Tuesday, June 2, 2015

prayer 1.20.15

AB SMYM YDH For fruits created for nourishment, sustenance.  Preserving amid drought now tapering.  Giving Strength in physical labor on lila’s land, our own and today on beth’s with pam.  Providing need for place to grow together with others of like mindedness in sharing, honoring Law Of LIFE in nature, in ourselves.  steering clear of destructive practices, willingness to contribute, participate, serving community.

i feel so grateful for this gathering of persons in Gentleness Of Spirit.  responsive, mindful, sensible, deliberate in consideration, purposeful in caring humility, intentional in knowing together with others LIFE AS IS.  YDH AB for opportunity to begin anew, similar to forefathers connected in Spirit to seek together Highest Good.

present truth, current, relevant, valid, applicable, useful.  Devoted Word Of LIFE contain Principles appropriate, befitting every generation.  with changing times are modified practices, customs, usage, habits.  in short hundred year is mechanization as never before.  in past 50 years is complete reliance on chemicals for fertilization, pharmakeia for treatment of all ills, stripping of nature, removal from country to congregate in cities, megalopolis, urban built up living.  we are no longer connected naturally but artificially.  our lives filled with electronics, devices, conveniences, imitations of simulations.

it requires great intention to live like our ancestors, simply, naturally, uncomplicated, temperate, basic.  preference given to the plain, humble, respectful, lowly, modest, dignified, generous, hospitable.  in relating massacre of friendly six nation indians, franklin related ancient practice of sacred hospitality in the east.  example given of moor receiving fugitive begging for life, granting petitioner’s request as is custom.  honoring guest with protection even when it was revealed refugee had murdered his own son.  equip to release wrongdoer into safety, forgiving culprit’s transgression.

50 or so persons in formative years of america did not grant such dignity in protection to her friends.  mouthing Name Of Most High, persecutors took upon themselves, hacking to death innocent families in cold blood.  shameful ones, no different than hitler or any such bully.  effectuated by spirit of hate, perverting Good.  abominable, aberrant in conception and execution, plague of society.  if nation is healthy, such are quelled, if state is rife with prejudice, fear, it spreads like deadly disease to overtake the whole.  insanity of such deranged persons had place in history.  so unbelievable its savagery, ruthless wickedness, brutality, destruction, we cannot even imagine these in our worst nightmares.  bloodthirsty, vicious resemblance to spirit of heartlessness, prideful disdain, inhuman, malicious, vengeful, murderous, unsparing, disgraceful, abnormal, unsound, crazed, raging mad.

flaring up now and then only to be finally purged.  tendency is to health, vibrancy, normalcy.  the world is at a sick old age now, waiting for her death, end, completion.  Renewal comes to Restore all things, crimes remembered, recorded for posterity, witness to insanity.  prayerfully, a different choice will be made by all.  for LIFE, not death.  we, created for LIFE live in death because of our choices generation upon generation.  rare is the temperate, self controlled, valiant, reasoning, thinking.  socrates’ encouragement is for each to be thinking, reasoning, examining our lives to strive for constant improvement, learning from mistakes to make better choices.  we live mostly but unconsciously, unaware of danger, dull in perception, understanding, confused, bewildered, dumb, deaf, blind.  blind leading blind.  successive generations repeating similar errors.

missing Target all together, departing from Way Of LIFE.  unable to apprehend High Conception Of Being, Purpose Of Creation.  forsaking Good for bad, making inferior choices.  there are few that stand out from this crowd, shining bright like emblems to point the Way.  most of these ensigns, living indicators, desecrated, destroyed.  few if any remain, except in their own words, recorded in writing, obscured, covered, concealed.  Truth Is Indeed Real, Emanating Bright, Revealing AS IS In Record Of LIFE.  we must but study to know and learn Revelation Of Truth presently, determine to practice and apply Principles Of LIFE, ally with LIFE GIVER.  it is after all a choice and commitment, to be given in any devotion.  what is our choice this moment?  this day?  sunrise upon sunrise?  Who do we belong to?  What is our Way and practice?

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