Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Revelation 11:18

Revelation 11:18

HAGEBS:  Gathering the restless, Settling the confused, Affirming the lifeless in Advocate Defender, Delivering the trampled in Harvest Of Fulfillment.  Faithful Devotion cherish the trembling in Name Of Approval, Engraving extinguished family, destroyed peoples, polluted earth, In Assurance.

Magiera:  And the nations were angry, yet your anger has come and the time of the dead that they should be judged.  And you will give a reward to your servants, the prophets, and to the holy [ones] and to those who reverence your name, the small with the great.  And you will corrupt those who corrupted the earth.

AENT:  And the nations were angry;  and your anger is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged:  and that You should give a reward to your servants, the prophets, and the Set Apart believers, and to them that fear Your Name, the small and the great;  and that You should destroy them who destroyed the earth.”

English Equivalent/Hebrew Transliteration/Aramaic pronunciation/Hebrew Strong’s #/Aramaic LWM # Interlinear:

Gather/Make Room For  AM/ama H5971/A1818 
afraid/restless/insane  RaGaZ/regez H7264/A2290
Settle/Revive  ATaH/etha H858/A208 
confusion/foolish/deranged  RaGaZ/rugza H7264/A2291
Resolve/Affirm  ZaMaN/zauma H2165/A633 
lifeless/destruction  mitha A1338 
Advocate/Defend  DWN/don H1777/A496 
Gift/Deliver  YaHaB/yahav H3051/A1030 
Gather/Harvest  AGaWRaH/agra H95/A18 
trampled/exploited/crushed  AiBaD/avda H5650/A1727 
Fulfillment/Favor  NaBYA/neviyaH5030/A1457
Devotion/Faithful  QaDaSh/qadisha H6918/A2162  
trembling/distressed/unnerved  ZaKaL/dekhel H2119/A509 
Name/Approval/Engrave  ShaM/shema H8034/A2539 
dwindling/extinguished/pathetic  ZAiYR/zeura H2191/A686 
family  AiM/am H5973/A1817 
peoples  RaB/raba H7227/A2271 
wounded/wither  KaBaL/kheval H2254/A702 
Assurance  aina A66 
broken/polluted  KaBaL/kheval H2254/A702 
earth  ARaTs/ara H776/A199 

Hebrew Root Word/Aramaic/Greek/English Expanded Exhaustive Definitions:

H5971- עם AiM/A1818- ama/G1484- εθνων ethnon:  a people, congregation, congregated unit, tribe, collection, gathered, troops, attendants, flock, folk, relative, represents a familiar relationship, household, family, kinsmen, kindred, belonging, clan, union, joined, united, descendants, offspring, group, common ancestor, bond, knit together, social interrelationships and interactions, association, communication, fellowship, friendship, enter into relationship with, unity of common covenant relationship, blood relationship, inhabitants, dwell, stay and remain with, abide, reside, residents, citizens, privileged, community, conjunction with, like, likeness, from, raised, continue, stand, established immovable, upright, exist, endure, firm, eternal, victorious, unchanging, ordained, made to stand, make room for, accomplished, designated, position, take a stand, service, fixed, room, station, domicile, standing ground, pillar, huddled together, with, to be with, nations, multitude, company of people of the same nature or genus, a race or tribe of the same habits and laws, convention, custom, usage, one's own populace, assembled, people of the same race and language, distinct group, public, as bound together socially, people gathered together with consent of law for mutual benefit, an assembled group actively exercising their rights as citizens, common, bound and knit together, race of the same habits and customs or practices, people of the same Way or Manner, people living in a particular country or area, common people, population, natives, country, nation, masses, commonality, estate, plebeians, proletariat, member, neighborhood, body, circle, order, convention, ownership, possession, occupation, of common interest, attitudes and goals, portion, identity, interdependent, living together, party, set, array, treasury, contribution, offering

H7264- רגז RaGaZ/A2290- regez/G3710- ωργισθησαν orgisthesan:  quiver with any violent emotion, tremble, move, shake, disquiet, troubled, quake, afraid, stand in awe, astonished, fret, wroth, foaming at the mouth, provoked, violent, rage, commotion, restless, crashing, thundering, noisy, fearful, trepidation, shudder, sway, wobble, convulse, shiver, recoil, cower, shrink, vibrate, agitate, distressed, unsettled, disturbed, upset, disconcert, unnerve, throw off balance, alarm, fluster, shock, scared, worry, rattled, weaken, undermine, damage, impair, harm, injure, reduce, diminish, decrease, wave, tremors, out of control, spasm, jerk, thrash, difficult, anxious, stressful, strife, tribulation, traumatic, suffering, irritated, failing, fault, defect, malfunction, break down, disorder, disease, blemish, unrest, breach, perturbed, annoyed, vex, burden, affliction, plagued, pester, mess, tumult, uproar, fury, stir, storm, confusion, chaos, havoc, pandemonium, unrest, riot, fracas, clamor, maelstrom, babel, frenzy, turmoil, disarray, turbulence, mayhem, upheaval, uncertainty, baffled, perplexed, befuddled, dazed, discombobulation, muddle, shambles, tangled, jumbled, swirling, vortex, bedlam, anarchy, melee, insanity, madness, dementia, mania, instability, crazy, folly, foolishness, idiocy, stupid, derangement, wild, raving, infatuation, crazed, crave, desire, preoccupation, hysteria, frenzy, feverish, inflamed, bout

H858- אתה ATaH/A208- etha/G2064- ερχομαι erkomai:  to arrive, brought, to come or go, accompany, appear, bring, enter, grow, be set, light upon, meet, more close and nearer, approach, advance, draw close and near, proceed, arrive, materialize, reach, arrive at, happen, originate, occur, reside, live, take place, come about, transpire, present, arise, ensue, follow, encounter, discover, find, perceived, communicated, be clear, understood, progress, develop, regain, recover, converted, agree with, yield to, revive, return, hold, choose, settle, decide, conclude, prefer, favor, abide, remain, inherit, willed, plan, succeed, result, known, familiar, association, communication, apparent, visible, pour out forth, teach, learn, instructed, taught, endure, withstand, produce, submit, advocate, move, drive, give, grant, devoted

H7264- רגז RaGaZ/A2291- rugza/G3709- ωργη orge:  quiver with any violent emotion, tremble, move, shake, disquiet, troubled, quake, afraid, stand in awe, astonished, fret, wroth, foaming at the mouth, provoked, violent, rage, commotion, restless, crashing, thundering, noisy, fearful, trepidation, shudder, sway, wobble, convulse, shiver, recoil, cower, shrink, vibrate, agitate, distressed, unsettled, disturbed, upset, disconcert, unnerve, throw off balance, alarm, fluster, shock, scared, worry, rattled, weaken, undermine, damage, impair, harm, injure, reduce, diminish, decrease, wave, tremors, out of control, spasm, jerk, thrash, difficult, anxious, stressful, strife, tribulation, traumatic, suffering, irritated, failing, fault, defect, malfunction, break down, disorder, disease, blemish, unrest, breach, perturbed, annoyed, vex, burden, affliction, plagued, pester, mess, tumult, uproar, fury, stir, storm, confusion, chaos, havoc, pandemonium, unrest, riot, fracas, clamor, maelstrom, babel, frenzy, turmoil, disarray, turbulence, mayhem, upheaval, uncertainty, baffled, perplexed, befuddled, dazed, discombobulation, muddle, shambles, tangled, jumbled, swirling, vortex, bedlam, anarchy, melee, insanity, madness, dementia, mania, instability, crazy, folly, foolishness, idiocy, stupid, derangement, wild, raving, infatuation, crazed, crave, desire, preoccupation, hysteria, frenzy, feverish, inflamed, bout

H2165- זמן ZaMaN/A633- zauma/*G:  to fix, appoint, fasten, affirm, confirm, verify, authenticate, settle, resolve, agree, covenant, prepare, appointed occasion, fixed time, season, to agree on time and place, now, always, proper time, opportunity, set time or period, appropriate time, suitable, regular, familiar, special occasion, terminus, duration, advance, perpetuity, ever, everlasting, end, eternity, evermore, equally with, unto, witness, testimony, record, attest, vindicate, affix signature and witness to transaction, attest to mutual relationship and agreement

A1338- mitha/G3498- νεκρους nekrous:  the grave, mortal state, deadness, death, unsaved, inactive, barren, lifeless, desolate, powerless, motionless, decease, demise, impotent, corpse, demise, end, loss of life, expire, finish, collapse, destruction, extinction, termination, killed, eliminated, perish, stiff, passed on and away, departed, gone, no more, lost, slain, slaughtered, extinct, nonexistent, sterile, obsolete, defunct, abandoned, vanish, forgotten, out of order, inoperative, broken, defective, crippled, unproductive, unfruitful, arid, desert, childless, worthless, profitless, futile, pointless, valueless, unrewarding, purposeless, vain, aimless, hollow, empty, vacuous, vapid, uninspired, insipid, colorless, uninteresting, feeble, flat, dull, boring, tedious, tired, worn, naked, bleak, showing no results or achievements, lack, destitute, cast out, thrown away, buried, bankrupt, deprived of, bereft, vacant, blind, not present, not suitable, deaf, mute, negative, null, blankness, cavity, chasm, abyss, gap, gulf, pit, unfilled, unoccupied, uninhabited, nonviable, nugatory, no good qualities, deserving contempt, poor quality, inferior, cheap, unavailing, inadequate, deficient, senseless, insubstantial, lame, pathetic, non-account, good for nothing, despicable, low, base, ignominious, corrupt, villainous, degenerate, debased, degraded, impure, vitiated, dissolute, dissipated, debauched, reprobate, profligate, sinful, ungodly, immoral, unprincipled, amoral, dishonorable, unsavory, sordid, ignoble, deteriorate, decline, ruin, waste, squandered, misuse, fritter away, throw away, wilt, fade, languish, emaciate, atrophy, wither, shrivel, shrink, unwanted, uncultivated, unpopulated, unable to sustain life, wild, abuse, refuse, trash, rubbish, litter, debris, garbage, junk, dross, dregs, sewage, effluent, break down, remains, rubble, wreckage, defeat, failure, poverty, spoil, mar, blight, shatter, dash, sabotage, foul, flatten, ravage, wipe out, falling to pieces, derelict, run down, falling apart, irresponsible, delinquent, outcast, criminal, lawless, errant, bad, difficult, unruly, disobedient, uncontrollable, offender, malefactor, ungovernable, disruptive, anarchic, rebellious, insubordinate, undisciplined, unmanageable, uncooperative, out of control, aggressively defiant, eager and quick to argue and fight, violent, rough, cruel, vicious, intemperate, unbridled, inordinate

H1777- דון DWN/A496- don/G2919- εκριθησαν ekrithesan:  to rule, govern, judge, umpire, strive, contend, execute and minister judgment, plead the cause, settlement of what is right, mode in which men are to be governed and their affairs administered, tread out, advocate, to distinguish, decide judicially, to try, determine, avenge, conclude, decree, ordain, sentence, choose, separate, pick out, select, approve, prefer, deem, resolve, pronounce an judgement concerning right and wrong, to rule, govern, decision resulting from investigation, to exercise right or law, give judgement, decision, justice, decide, leader having authority to settle and conclude giving verdict, to say the law, magistrate, adjudicator, arbiter, referee, moderator, mediator, deem, deduce, gather, surmise, regard, look on, hear, give a ruling, pronounce, decree, find, examine, review, to pick out, separate, select, choose, approve, esteem, prefer, hold it sacred, to be of opinion, think, decided correctly, to judge one worthy, resolve, ordain, pronounce an opinion concerning right and wrong, sifting and weighing of evidence, to give decision respecting one, the substance of the decision examined, rendered evident to all and put to an end, subject to censure, discipline, require, preside over with power of giving judicial decisions, prerogative, to contend together, defend and protect, cherish

H3051- יהב YaHaB/A1030- yahv/G1325- δουναι dounai:  to give, to put, come, ascribe, bring, give out, set, take, deliver, Given, portion, grant, bestow, commit, minister, offer, yield, provide, furnish, accord, contribute, convey, impart, communicate, entrust, devote, dedicate, permit, occasion, produce, arrange, perform, execute, administer, deal, Gift, present, care, account, express, appoint, measure, commission, pour out forth, make known, reveal

H95- אגורה AGaWRaH/A18- agra/*G:  gathered, received, collection, harvest

H5650- עבד AiBaD/A1727- avda/G1401- δουλων doulon:  to envelope in darkness, make dense, becloud, confuse, thicket, clay, think cloud, cover, shady, make to work, enslave, till, servant, worship, labor, keep in bondage, compel, execute, keep, vassals, not free, bound, all tied up, chained, cut, press on all sides, humiliate, labor in the fields daily from morning till evening, hard labor, slave, hard, winter, dark season, shut up, hidden, conceal, hide, separation, isolated, servitude, bondage, wrapped up, twined, cause to lose freedom of choice and action, subjection, subjugate, suppress, tyrannize, exploit, persecute, bind with heavy yoke, disenfranchise, conquer, defeat, crush, quash, control, compress, mangle, flatten, trample, squeeze, pulverize, pound, grind, break up, mill, put down, stamp out, overpower, break, repress, extinguish, mortify, deflate, demoralize, devastate, shatter, destroy, ruin, lay waste, ravage, trash, shatter, shock, stun, daze, traumatize, distress, cause severe and overwhelming shock and grief, smash, fracture, fragment, disintegrate, shackle, irons, manacles, restrain, hitch, tether, prisoner, confine, restrict, forbid, disable, incarcerate, intern, impound, hold captive, trap, lock in, cooped up, jail, detain, cage, bar, immure, enclose and confine against someone's will, walled in, force, coerce, pressure, compel, bludgeon, bully, threaten, intimidate, dragoon, twist someone's arm, persuade an unwilling person to do something against their will by using force or threats, terrorize, hassle, hound, torment, push around, strong arm, bulldoze, victimize, create and maintain a state of extreme fear and distress in someone, fill with terror, cause extreme anxiety, sorrow and pain, endanger, make difficult, suffering caused by lack of money and basic necessities of life, physical strain, exhaustion, distraint, age and wear down, pull and stretch apart, anguish, agony, heartache, misery, woe, sadness, desolation, despair, peril, trouble, jeopardy, hardship, adversity, poverty, deprivation, privation, destitution, indigence, impoverish, penury, need, dire straits, trouble, worry, bother, perturb, disturb, disquiet, agitate, harrow, subserviency, bond, servant, a permanent relation of servitude to another whose will is completely subject to the will of the other, property, ownership, possession, employed, belonging to someone, in another's custody, obligation, duty, service

H5030- נביא NaBYA/A1457- neviya/G4396- προφηταις prophetais:  mouth pieces of God, companion and follower, speak by inspiration, messenger of God under the influence of Divine Spirit, to speak God's Word calling into covenant faithfulness, conditional upon the response and choice of the people, associate of God, to lead forward and precede in place or time to show forth, to bring forth and reveal, go before and declare, make known from above, superior to affirm,  to make apparent, make plain and manifest, openly express, enlighten, illuminate, shine forth to reveal, give understanding by making evident, disclosure, make visible, reveal true character, lighten, shining, bring forth into the light, shed light, brighten, display, explain, describe, enjoin, teach, uphold, to be clear, make clear and obvious, voice, to give light, reaching the mind, seen by the eye and understood, emanation, discern, reception, give capacity to know, imparted from God, Divine Revelation, guidance, salvation, prosperity, brilliancy, light bearing, fulfillment, make transparent, full of light, single-mindedness of purpose and intent, shed rays, make to see, favor, witness, speak  the Thoughts and Will of God, declaring of Divine Counsel, inspired speaker, one who speaks forth openly God's Message, one who has immediate conversation with God and in whom the Word and Message of God springs forth from, communication from God, on to whom and through whom God speaks, spokesperson, advocate, supporter of God, proclamation of Divine Purpose, showing forth of Divine Counsel, emanations from God of His Will, the speaking forth of the Mind And Counsel of God confirmed in His Authority and Power

H6918- קדש QaDaSh/A2162- qadisha/G40- αγιος agios:  pristine, sanctuary, set apart for Divine use, devoted, dedicated, committed for particular purpose, honored, respected, venerated, esteemed, cherished, valued, important, sacred, based on intimate nature of relationship, belonging to someone in their possession and ownership, defended, protected, marked and sealed, secure, choice, select, approval, favor, clear, truthful, faithful, honest, sincere, authentic, legitimate, right, lawful, safety, pure, resolution, settled, rest, permanent, abiding, recognized and acknowledged as belonging to Most High, occupied and employed by YHWH, congruent in harmony at One in agreement with YHWH, appointment, made clean, set apart for the Word Of YHWH, sanctum, sacred place, hallowed

H2119- זחל ZaKaL/A509- dekhel/G5399- φοβουμενοι phoboumenoi:  to crawl, to fear, be afraid, like a worm, to crawl and hide, without courage or strength, serpent, to be in fear, alarm, fright, afraid, terror, scared, dread, trembling, be in awe, revere, astonished, agitated with fear, protracted state, distress, anxiety, worry, unease, apprehension, perturbed, live in fear, panic, unnerved, stiff, contracted in fear, regard, care, respect, honor, veneration, esteem, praise, thanksgiving, gratitude, reverence, capacity to inspire awe and admiration, regard with respect and warm approval, pleased, delighted, favor, preference, worship, applaud, appreciate, take pleasure in, commend, think highly of, recognize, acknowledge, realize, aware, conscious of, occupation, possession, ownership, rule, governance, regulation, devotion, dedication, honest, sincere, authentic, genuine, legitimate, defended and protected, cherished, beloved, know, understand and fully comprehend

H8034- שם ShaM/A2539- shema/ G3686- ονομα onoma:  conspicuous position, appellation, praise, mark, distinction, approval, authority, honor, character, memorial, name, renown, fame, reputation, memory, identification, property, inheritance, continuance, offspring, posterity, generation, set, appoint, ordain, regard, care, charge, commit, determine, impute, purpose, erect, set or put before one's mind, obligate, assign, consider, pay heed, fix, preserve, command, pledge, decide, decreed, engrave, incise, burn, brand, own, possess, occupy, plow, devise, keep, hold, glow, brilliant, shine, stamp, exact copy or representation, resemblance, teach diligently, learn, associate with, engross, impress, seal, correspond, complete similarity, sharpen, shew forth, rain, water, stake, badge of servitude, sign, rejoice, joyous, cheerful, glad, burnish, polish, shed rays, brighten, enlighten, lustrous, transparent, illuminate, full of light, witness, manifest, evident, emanation, discern, reception, favor, blessing, guidance, instruction, prosperity, called, surnamed, dignity, rank, majesty, power, excellence, of everything the name covers, expression of attributes, credit, benefit, known, acknowledgement, confession, recognition of authority combined with the reliance to rest upon, identified with, sake, account, mention, address, worship, reference, esteem, prestige, choose, nominate, earmark, defining, value, deal with, attend, respond, administer, conduct, direct, supervise, belonging to, register, enroll, title of honor and authority, confer, thought or feeling roused in mind by mentioning, hear, remember, of one's own freewill and authority, all the qualities by which God makes Self known to humanity equivalent to Aloha's Divinity, Essence, Nature, Divine Majesty, Perfection, magnified, consecrated, united in name and character, analogy, commemorate, embracing Truth AS IS, resting in union with Aloha, regardful of God's Name and Praise, come together to deliberate concerning any matter relating to Aloha's cause directed in regard for I AM's Name and Reputation, embracing and avowing Aloha's Name, defending Aloha's Authority

H2191- זעיר ZAiYR/A686- zeura/G3398- μικρον mikron:  to dwindle, be small, little, extinct, extinguished, ignoble, brought low, humbled, small in size, quantity, number or dignity, least, less, scant, opposite of great in regards to station, position, rank, power, age, influence, time, minimum, short, small degree or extent, little while, fleeting, transient, not great in amount and strength, not fully grown or developed, young, insignificant, unimportant, lacking strength and confidence, hardly, modest, low and inferior in rank and position, undistinguished, tiny, miniature, minute, minuscule, baby, diminutive, puny, slight, minor, negligible, meager, inadequate, insufficient, stingy, pathetic, compact, junior, brief, momentary, transitory, fast, quick, hasty, inconsequential, nugatory, restricted, not much, minimal, barely, scarce, rare, seldom, infrequent, faint, remote, vague, interval, slow, bit, imperceptible, dash, speck, suggestion, trace, hint, dribble, not able to endure and last

H5973- עם AiM/A1817- am/*G:  with, in conjunction with, equally with, like, from, congregated unit, tribe, troop, flock, people, nation, familial relationship, kinsmen, clan, family, whole, united, common ancestry, interrelationships, interactions, ties, bond, knit together, union, unity, covenant relationship, bound, group, citizen, inhabitants, entire worshiping community, privileged people with proper relationship to and unique knowledge of Eloah, abide with, stay and remain with, dwell with, associate, huddle together, inseparable, resemblance, similar, in the same Way, agree, follower, companion, community, commune with, accompaniment amid, joined, occupying, with, relation of participation and proximity, succession

H7227- רב RaB/A2271- raba/G3173- μεγα mega:  creation, creatures, acquisition, purchase, wealth, substance, of getting and owning, begetting, bringing forth, goods, riches, with, possession, occupation, property, belonging to someone, to build, erect, set up, establish, procure by purchase, create, to own, owner, possessor, recover, redeemed, attain, teach to keep, sure, verified, bring into being, making purchase agreement with another, earn, resemblance, beam, branch, scion, offspring, generate, generation, to dwell among with, full measure given, subjugate, cause, large, great, elder, big, loud, exceeding, mighty, high, strong, sore, of rank, degree, intensity, force of voice, magnitude, strength, number, abundance, precedence, conspicuous, outpouring, power, increase, greatness, dignity, ascription, acknowledge, recognition, mankind, humanity, countenance, face, human being without reference to gender or nationality, in distinction from God with suggestion of human frailty and imperfection, carnal, of human origin, standard generally accepted among men, not drawn from Scripture, inner self, fellow, complete and mature, full age, brought to its end, finished wanting nothing necessary to completeness when joined to God, verified, created by the Will of God in His likeness to belong with Him in His Family and given dominion of the earth, includes all human individuals, from Aloha as Divine, human life, wont to fight urged on by desire of gain, commiseration, maltreated and defenseless, two fold nature of man, moral condition, conformed to the nature of God, family, household, people, servant, employment, devoted to the service of God, resemblance, similitude, likeness of Aloha

H2254- חבל KaBaL/A702- kheval/G1311- διεφθαρη diephthare:  to wind tightly as a rope, to bind by a pledge, to distort and twist, weave, plait together, bend, pervert, destroy, writhe in pain as in parturition, bands, brought forth, offend, spoil, travail, corrupt, ruin, sorrow, twisted, noose, throe, cord, tackle, measuring line, measurement, allotment, portion, region, being bound, thing measured, harm, damage, hurt, pawn as security for debt, clasp, embrace, cherish, union, joined with, wander off, break, lose oneself, perish, fail, spent, undone, be void of, have no way to flee, disappearance, cease to exist, come to nought, to succumb, carried off to death and destruction, lost, go astray, lessening, downfall, dissolution, desolation, withering away, fading, wretched, missing, vanish, gone, forgotten, absent, off track, disorientated, going around in circles, adrift, forfeit, neglected, wasted, squandered, down the drain, bygone, past, departed, extinct, died out, defunct, wiped out, exterminated, eradicated, hopeless, futile, forlorn, accursed, engrossed, absorbed, rapt, engaged, wrapped up, deprived of, cease to have, cause to fail to gain or retain, broken relationship, miscarry, suffer death of, killed, decrease, reduced, wanting, lose control of, confused, insecure, in great difficulties, defeat, misfortune, calamity, oppression, bent down, disaster, befall, tragedy, persecuted, hated, swallowed up, end, engulfed, consumed, to be dumb and silent, cut off, cut down, slaughtered, stop, pulled down, broken to pieces, demolished, break down, overthrown, beat down utterly, orphaned, forsaken, sic, weak, worn, grievous, decay, slay, parch, dry up, drought, violated, violence, adulterous, unfaithful, polluted, desert, inhospitable, stripped, exposed, naked, defame, shame, reproach, disgrace, humiliated, wounded, fettered, plowed, pierced, perforated, pricked, goaded, molested, harassed, defile, alter, distort

A66- aina/*G:  strong affirmation, yes, yea, even so, truth, verily, surely, indeed, doubtless, answer, assent to an assertion, confirmation of an assertion, in solemn asseveration, assuredly, abiding, uphold, support, ratify, endorse, sanction, sustain, approve, agree to, champion, defend, continue, preserve, maintain, protect, keep, hold to, back, stand fixed, verity, sincerity, honesty, accuracy, correctness, validate, authenticate, genuine, actual, real, certain, principle, law, in fact, faithfulness, fidelity, devotion, consecrated, reliable, dependable, ethical, moral, virtuous, straightforward, good, precise, exact, close, constant, loyal, allegiance, obedience, strictness, unswerving, steadfast, dedicated, committed, unerring, faultless, on the mark, legitimate, lawful, legal, authoritative, right, verifiable, in accord with, documented, unwavering, permanent, earnest, changeless, Will Of Aloha, settled, determined, commitment, faithfulness, dedication, loyalty, Truth, resolved, singleness of purpose, eye, focus, attention, regard, remembrance, fountain, spring, Origin, Source of all being, Creator, desire, intent, longing, cherish, beloved, assertion of confirmation, assurance, assuredly, even so as is, it is responsive and confirmatory of the substance of some question or statement, answer, firm, solid, authentic, legitimate, fact, uphold, upright, righteous, most emphatic, fulfilled, Given, true

H2254- חבל KaBaL/A702- kheval/G1311- διεφθαρη diephthare:  to wind tightly as a rope, to bind by a pledge, to distort and twist, weave, plait together, bend, pervert, destroy, writhe in pain as in parturition, bands, brought forth, offend, spoil, travail, corrupt, ruin, sorrow, twisted, noose, throe, cord, tackle, measuring line, measurement, allotment, portion, region, being bound, thing measured, harm, damage, hurt, pawn as security for debt, clasp, embrace, cherish, union, joined with, wander off, break, lose oneself, perish, fail, spent, undone, be void of, have no way to flee, disappearance, cease to exist, come to nought, to succumb, carried off to death and destruction, lost, go astray, lessening, downfall, dissolution, desolation, withering away, fading, wretched, missing, vanish, gone, forgotten, absent, off track, disorientated, going around in circles, adrift, forfeit, neglected, wasted, squandered, down the drain, bygone, past, departed, extinct, died out, defunct, wiped out, exterminated, eradicated, hopeless, futile, forlorn, accursed, engrossed, absorbed, rapt, engaged, wrapped up, deprived of, cease to have, cause to fail to gain or retain, broken relationship, miscarry, suffer death of, killed, decrease, reduced, wanting, lose control of, confused, insecure, in great difficulties, defeat, misfortune, calamity, oppression, bent down, disaster, befall, tragedy, persecuted, hated, swallowed up, end, engulfed, consumed, to be dumb and silent, cut off, cut down, slaughtered, stop, pulled down, broken to pieces, demolished, break down, overthrown, beat down utterly, orphaned, forsaken, sic, weak, worn, grievous, decay, slay, parch, dry up, drought, violated, violence, adulterous, unfaithful, polluted, desert, inhospitable, stripped, exposed, naked, defame, shame, reproach, disgrace, humiliated, wounded, fettered, plowed, pierced, perforated, pricked, goaded, molested, harassed, defile, alter, distort

H776- ארץ ARaTs/A199- ara/G1093- γης ges:  soil, earth, solid, whole, land, ground, country, world, region, present abode of humankind, floor, clay, dirt, turf, territory, humanity, den, burrow, shelter, hideout, domain, dominion, dirty, stain, smear, spoil, dishonor, damage, sully, blacken, dark, taint, blemish, defile, muddy, weak, mutable, fragile, transient

Greek with Strong's Numbers:

[και G2532 τα G3588] εθνη G1484 ωργισθησαν G3710 [και G2532] ηλθεν G2064 [η G3588] οργη G3709 [σου G4675 και G2532 ο G3588 καιρος G2540 των G3588] νεκρων G3498 κριθηναι G2919 [και G2532] δουναι G1325 [τον G3588 μισθον G3408 τοις G3588] δουλοις G1401 [σου G4675 τοις G3588] προφηταις G4396 [και G2532 τοις G3588] αγιοις G40 [και G2532 τοις G3588] φοβουμενοις G5399[ το G3588] ονομα G3686 [σου G4675 τοις G3588] μικροις G3398 [και G2532 τοις G3588] μεγαλοις G3173 [και G2532] διαφθειραι G1311 [τους G3588] διαφθειροντας 1311 [την G3588] γην G1093

[  ]  Greek words not in Aramaic or Hebrew

*G:  no equivalent in Greek translation

** For the Aramaic listed without Hebrew, the Aramaic becomes the Hebrew equivalent.

The New Strong's Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, red letter edition, Hebrew & Greek Dictionary, 2010 edition.  CWP Teacher edition Interlinear Bible.  Aramaic Peshitta New Testament Dictionary Number Lexicon, Vertical Interlinear Vol. III, Word Study Concordance.  Oxford English Dictionary.  Wigram's Concordance of Hebrew O.T. and Greek N.T.  The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon.  Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament.  Wycliffe Bible Complete Text 1450 edition.  Tyndale 1526 edition.  Matthews Bible 1537 edition.  Geneva Bible 1560 edition.  Etheridge NT Peshitta.  Holy Bible:  From The Ancient Eastern Text by George M. Lamsa.  Aramaic Peshitta New Testament Translation - Messianic Version by Janet Magiera.  Blue Letter Bible.  Aramaic English New Testament, 5th edition.  HAGEBS - Hebrew Aramaic Greek English Bible Studies.

Studies can be referenced at:  

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