Wednesday, June 3, 2015

prayer 2.18.15

YDH AB For Healing, Restoring Vibrant Health, Recovered from exhaustion from time spent at kapoho retreat learning routine and procedures, a potential work place.  smell of the place permeates everything, settles, requiring till morning to eliminate fetor.  much expelled from lungs during drive back, emitting continuously from tissues from afternoon nap through evening.  reeking with this odor, fetid to my senses, i feel grateful it is now rid and i may bathe to cleanse from this atmosphere.

being at this retreat allowed old things to emerge for healing.  galvanized with perspective of healing from dr. herbert shelton’s writings, i feel discordance with artificial, unnatural supplementation via liquid and pilled foreign substances introduced by mouth or other orifices, invasively via blood and tissues.  man engineered interventions that go against our design, causing pain, discomfort, opposing body’s attempt to purge, expel, self heal.  much of these things were practiced at the retreat, bringing back experiences at various other supposed healing retreats where much time and resources were spent in past investigating modalities.  in the end, AB’s Way Is Best, Most Efficacious, Safest, when we allow our Intelligently Designed physicality to self heal.  our job mainly in supplying requisites of LIFE, trusting in AB’s Will Of Restoration In Unrestrained LOVE.

feeling so many sick things arise to be cleansed, calm amid stirring, procedures, unwell patients tolerating so much messing with when REST is what is required.  to be fed and nourished not with man-made concoctions but sunshine, fresh air, pure water, whole plant fresh untainted, properly combined foods adapted to need of organism, proper rest and activity, cleanliness inward and outward, trust in AB’s Wisdom, Heart Of Healing.  an instance of self healing with attentive nursing occurred personally with dark spot on right upper corner of forehead near hair line.  many pigment changes cropped up after birth of children in state of depletion.  the spot remained for almost two decades, darken, slightly raised, thus i asked AB for Solution.  Inspiration came about joey’s incident with garlic to her finger wart.  in diligent over zealous application, a hole was burnt since the garlic was taped to her hand for multiple days!  

learning from her experience, an artificial garlic burn was induced of this skin spot where garlic was applied squeezing juice in contact with skin to cause irritation enough to engender self healing in that particular spot.  after three intermittent applications, area began to redden like a burn with slight blistering.  sensing resistance in body for more applications, area was protected with tree resin of sangre de drago.  spot dried like garlic paper skin in couple days, last evening an itch in area signals completion of healing with thin paper like skin peeling off to reveal new, healthy skin underneath.  one can only have lasting results if all requisites of LIFE are supplied, Law Of Health, Well Being Conforming, otherwise, it will only be skin deep and spot may recur because underlying habits and conditions are not properly rendered.

the spot was located over stomach, gall bladder, liver meridians on forehead, these same meridians related to organs on right leg which exhibited purging, renovation, healing.  i feel grateful for this comprehensive awareness of healing, help from cold laser, knowledge for self massage in congested areas on leg where meridians were overloaded with work creating traffic jams.  restoration encouraged, effectuating beautiful recovery using natural means to work with the body, not against it.  our bodies put up with a great deal for decades in violation of natural order, it can use some attention, kindness, appreciating it’s facility to self heal instead of overriding this essential element of restoration.  this Design Deserves our Respect in every Way, recognizing to acknowledge its vital function in our well being.  AB’s Reason, Plan, Will For LIFE Is Certainly Superior to ours, Being Creator Maker of us, thus behooves us to obey Law Of Being, LIFE, Health.

drive down to kapoho retreat on ocean, post hurricane iselle, i witnessed extent of devastation in area, many car size trunks of albizia fallen.  hundred foot tall trees toppled, along the road, cut, cleared, lying to decay, feeding next crop of trees.  i could barely recognize the area from lava tree state park down, no longer lines by majestic canopy against blue sky.  no tree is junk, this is merely our terminology and definition because we do not like them.  there is function for each one, even the invasive.  i choose to bless custer’s curse that are prolific in our land, thriving above all others, when pulled and taken down, is useful to feed others with nutrients drawn by it’s extensive roots.  i see the same for albizia, if properly maintained and utilized, may benefit the land, being nitrogen fixing along with all its relations of the same kind.  if kept small, may be used for mulching since it is fast growing, branches may be stripped from tree to feed other slower growing fruiting trees.

gardening is stewardship.  it is tending a place, Gift Of AB to nourish us in activity, enjoyment, produce that feed body, mind, spirit.  for me, there is no better place to be fed undisturbed, working with Law Of LIFE, taught Principles In Application for our well being.  experience comes from attentive observation, of time spent in work with our plant companions, that we are partners, not user and producer, we may enhance contribution to find abundant reward awaiting.  i feel so grateful for every seed of LIFE, living plant, cycle of life infused by myriad of beneficial organisms knit together in fabric of Being in this place.  witness to AB’s Intelligence, Wisdom, Gift Of LIFE, Beneficence In Unrestrained LOVE, Constant Attending For our Cultivation.  AB’s Planting Is Certainly BEST,  AB’s trees human, AB’s Enrichment, Training, Friendship, Education, Growth In Favor, Approval, Good Will, Constant Support Impartial, Advantageous, Courteous.  nothing Good is forced on anyone but each Empowered to choose freely, even to die against LIFE.  this is Unrestrained LOVE, Mercy Unceasing In Demonstration, allowing contravention that we may have significance, consequence in our choices.  thus we must choose wisely, according to LIFE, to know Benefit, otherwise, we shall only face destruction because our choices are effectual, of import.

the sky promises no rains for yet another day.  we continue to conserve resources, to live judiciously, tending to our plant friends bring great joy and comfort.  i begin to understand pam’s love of her gardens, spending day upon day in the forest tending her friends rooted in the earth, they walk and move only with the elements, propagation, nature planting her gardens, verdant with growth.  i feel grateful for this space to work and play.

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