Wednesday, June 3, 2015

prayer 2.12.15

YDH AB SMYM For LIFE, Health, Restoration, Fruitfulness amid drought.  harvest of two banana bunches with many hands of plump fruits, tomatoes thriving in heat and dryness, enjoyed over super.  collection of weeds will make organic liquid feed for plants, goat berries to feed fruit trees, mixed with cardboard, weeds from the field.  i feel grateful for AB’s Provisions.  increasing consumption of live greens, fresh veggies, fruits, i feel more vibrant than eating cooked foods.  dry hot weather enhances eating of fresh things, while amid cool rains, body requires warmer things.

exercise consists of work in the land.  today may be re-bedding goat house, nourishing fruit trees with goat manures, shoveling, digging to incorporate nutriment for plants.  volunteer greens and tomatoes thriving on the edge of greenhouse uncovered.  four mangos pono dog planted are burgeoning along with her avocado.  passionate in digging, planting, she is a wonderful cultivator.  taking down weed trees and shrubbery, enjoying time in forest exploring, fending away animals.  wild pigs no longer visit  after a 30 pound piglet was caught and killed by her years ago.  patrolling her borders, marking territory, swimming in pond across the way in vacant lot, chasing birds, wild chickens, neighborhood dogs, cats.

i remember when we picked her up from side of country road, she was but two hands long, dehydrated, covered in sores, about to collapse, we took her into the car thinking we would find home for her.  she has found home with us since no one wanted her.  i remember taking her to the vet, hearing that’s what one does when you have an animal.  the doc said she needed parvo, a vaccine of sorts, i asked him what for, what ingredients, he skimmed on explanation, basically to say if she does not get it she will get sick and die, and left the room.  picking up the vial, i read ingredients to see i do not wish to have these things in this dog, and left that office never to return.  she has been the healthiest, strongest dog i have had, resilient, happy, vigorous, loving, this year her 7th year with us through thick and thin.

once i found out about unwarranted use of vaccines, harm from ingredients injected, i stopped vaccinating my children years ago.  i wish i would have been informed sooner.  i feel grateful no harm has come to either of them despite my prior ignorance.  continuing years of research, studying works of dr. gunther enderlein, (contemporary to pasteur, only the latter more vociferous and self promoting but without proper knowledge), recently works of dr. tenpenny, dr. herbert shelton.  in field of natural hygiene is education and application of health from healthful living with health as natural consequence.  when people are open minded and research this information, the Truth Is Clear.  this is the same with GMOs, any pharmakeia related process, adulteration to things natural, one finds the money trail, conflicts of interest, criminal, nefarious, malicious practices to promote bad as Good, falsification, fraudulent obscuration of facts, buy out of our government.  one doubts how many in congress, senate, government agencies are not influenced by money paid by huge conglomerates or monopolies to pander their creations to the public.  swaying policies, changing laws in their favor.

i was once educated in convention, practiced in western medical systems for over a decade, but was disheartened by results, harm, injury, deaths, suffering witnessed.  in almost two decades taken to raise my family, was intense search for Answer, alternatives that were efficacious, without side effects, Good.  Answer Is Simple, obey the laws of our being, live healthfully, shun harmful things, practice and use Beneficial things.  health becomes the natural result, fruit, outcome, effect.  nutrition of sunlight, fresh pure air, clean water, whole fresh plant foods that are unadulterated in proper combinations, proper rest, exercise, cleanliness inside and out, physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, poise, calm, trust in LIFE AS IS.  i feel stronger, more alive, healthier today than i did over two decade ago.  no longer struggle with weight, body is firm with healthy flesh, am capable for full day’s work on the land without tiring, have no desire nor need for medicament per convention.  despite familial history of heart problems and deaths, i am vibrant, healthy, active toward my fifth decade, mind sharper, keener, quicker than when younger.

my mom passed away few months ago from carotid dissection leading to massive stroke.  my biological maternal grandmother passed away decades ago from heart attack.  adoptive maternal grandparents from stroke, alzheimer.  maternal grandfather from cancer.  paternal grandfather also cancer.  paternal grandma who lived in country most her life chasing after her chickens, farmed her vegetables, raised pigs, died of old age at 104 a few years ago.  i knew my grandma to be feisty, active, always a tiny little thing, eats minimally, lived like the ancients.  my father has history of heart attack, high blood pressure, type ii diabetes, depression, kidney stones, gout, psoriasis, is stubborn, irritable, impatient.  last year when he and mom came to hawaii to visit, they fasted for restoration.  within one week, blood pressures and sugars normalized, emotions calmed, spirits revived, psoriasis healed on face, arms and legs, dissolved kidney and gall stones were passed, sweetness, pleasantness availed that i have never witnessed before in my father.  he became patient, loving, kind toward my mother.  their relationship revived, rekindled in his kindness, carefulness, attention.

i feel so grateful we were able to recover and be restored as a family when they were here.  however, they were not able to stay true nor maintain healthful practices when they returned to LA, my mom succumbed.  my father is not far behind, his girth expanding quickly as he is eating out much with friends while traveling in asia.  i see his mood is following his health condition, declining again, a scowl returning on his face, the happy glow departing.  there is nothing one can do with someone who chooses contrary to counsel.  it is after all their life, their choice, results they must live with, albeit we as family will have to pick up pieces after.  what i realize is, when body is given rest physiologically in fasting, it’s natural inclination is to restore, repair, renovate, using conserved energy from this rest proper.  toxins are removed not only from blood, but also from various tissues, fat, bone, where they have been tucked away to preserve vital functions.  it is clearly documented that when body is able to detox, (most effective way i have witnessed is to allow it to do so on it’s own, having been Intelligently Designed, Programmed to do so), fatty accumulation used for insulating harmful substances no longer needed, will also be dissolved, expelled. 

our state of obesity reflects our state of toxicity.  increased level of toxicity leads to irritation which leads to inflammation, then hardening or sclerosis, culminating in structural change or mutation.  thus cancer being the last state of toxic condition.  we must distinguish depletion from lean healthfulness.  this is apparent in malfunction.  the healthy will possess no dysfunction, will remain vibrant, alive, active.  the depleted, unhealthy though thin or lean, will manifest some kinds of dysfunction.  thus the import to keep the body, mind, spirit CLEAN!  we must guard against things that are toxic to our system, physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually.  live as nature intends naturally, with as little artificiality as possible.  today, it becomes rather difficult and effort has to be intentional.  our modern life is covered by man-made things, i feel none of us can escape completely.  as naturally as i live, i am using man-made computer to type my prayers to share.  we are all hooked in, ensnared, imprisoned in man-made systems that enslave.  very few can live without a job and survive.  most do things they hate so they can get things they want, for money.

how few can really be like a thoreau!  i am striving but far from able.  i saw an article of a young man in slippers (man-made plastic), leaning against a self built small mud straw structure reading a book.  he relates how he lives without an income, without money.  that is giving up a great deal!  perhaps it is gaining much.  he looks content, glowing in LIFE, happy in simplicity.  we are moving that direction, perhaps because of the children, i relent, am soft, will compromise and get a job, to meet our needs, until we learn to live on this land more fully, completely.  it is an ideal, better done singly than with family.  perhaps nature will raise the children better than i.  i see and witness their thriving more and more as we integrate deeper in natural life in these woods.  living more connected with What IS, learning about nature rather than destroying it.  appreciating connection, contribution both ways, to realize relevance, meaning, significance, naturally instead of artifice, contrivance, superficiality.  i am being healed from shallowness, living more deeply each day in Truth AS IS.  i feel grateful for AB’s Conducting, Restoration, Recovery, knowing our great need for Mending from brokenness.

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