Monday, June 15, 2015

prayer 6.7.15

our neighbor is setting up for a huge graduation party for his daughter.  pam our other neighbor teased that we should get away when it happens.  i feel ABa is preparing for us to take an excursion today when the festivities unfold.  it’s been a journey with peter and his family, coming to respect.  his parties of late have been more subdued but still drunken nonetheless but seems more considerate.  we have grown accustomed to the noise, yelling, fights, cursing.  i know ABa is Gracious to them, as is to every one.  we learn to suffer alongside, yielding patience, understanding, tolerance.  gandhi used to say about choice in non-violation as one that demonstrates through suffering, reflecting consequence of a choice in action, even the most calloused will eventually be penetrated, touched, softened.

i witness this happening, building, bridging gap so that an understanding of hearts can be reached.  we live in a very yin place with lots of rains, surrounded by greens.  ABa brings Balance every place.  diet certainly affect us because what we take in turns into blood, life that flows to feed every cell, thus a good diet is imperative for healthfulness.  i am seeking Balance.  with days without rains, we enjoy sunshine, drying the rainforest, but such days make transplants difficult.  there is also balance of work, rest, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.  much is growing, but a greater variety of edible greens is needed, drawing minerals from the earth to supply body which needs minerals, trace elements to function properly.  ABa’s Gifts are Simple, Rich with Answer, meeting our need.  ABa’s timing Succinct, always Perfect.  i feel grateful for this match in suitability, correspondence, agreement, partnership in union.

there needs to be a return to indigenous, original, local, naturally occurring things, native to a place, homegrown, uncontrived, not imported, engendered in Simplicity, functioning to encompass basic needs.  things that will grow naturally locally are best for environ and peoples because it does not entail struggle to produce against nature.  when we favor to choose Simplicity, easeful, plain, clean, clear, comprehensible, natural, without need for pretense, we may perhaps be more true, honest, abstemious, disciplined, gentle, moderate, reasonable, curbing appetite to match what is wholesome, offered from rejuvenated soils filled with LIFE.  currently we are inundated by perversions of all types, causing all manner of illness physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually.  when our intake is cleaned up, aligning with Genuine, unadulterated, reasonable productions that does no harm to the planet, other species, body, mind spirit, we will reap healthful results.

i feel i am out of Balance, these two days experimenting with ethiopian and east indian recipes that i am not familiar with.  inundated by over spicing, causing body to become irritated.  whole form foods is definitely preferred.  i have learnt a great deal in this short span of time, and realize traditionally, locally eaten foods are best served Balanced.  i come from south east asian culture but growing up in this era, much adulteration of living has already occurred.  to learn to return to Original Way requires some undoing, rehabilitation, acculturation that is attuned to what is Best, Finest, Natural, Useful, Suitable, producing Good Results.  i am still finding this Balance, Home, Mark, missing greatly along the Way but nonetheless True, Rightful, Faithful, Realistic Authenticity is the Goal.  to return one generation, perhaps two, is akin to study of the ancients, we, losing sight of Simplicity, living such complex lives inundated by artificial imitations in plastics, contrived, forced, insincere, we have become as stiff as the things that we imbibe daily.

hollow, pretentious, strained, fabricated seems the norm in society.  we are no longer natural, local, homegrown, real.  to meet a real person is rare, one that is down to earth, simple, yet wise in Acceptance at the same time.  Complete Authenticity, Genuine Truth is Heartfelt, unfeigned, palpable.   i have opportunity to live in Simplicity daily, eat locally grown foods in its complete whole forms.  my artificial conceptions took time and effort to dismantle, so that what is perceived may be more true to nature, accepting of circumstances with Graciousness, Magnanimity.  i live a more Substantial, Real life today than i did a few years ago, i feel grateful for this shift into the natural.  looking back at pictures of our life reveals how out of touch we were with Reality, Truth, Veracity, Candor, Validity, Principle Of Certitude.  insulated in synthetic substitutions, living in unnatural false environs, i remember our windows were always closed to the outside, with central air or heating running constant.  nothing we consumed were produced locally, things we wore and used were all made somewhere else, from plastics.

i remember feeling rather superficial, not able to penetrate deeper things, my worldly education molded me to conform to propaganda, not Truth.  how ABa managed to reach me, extricating our family from such contradiction, deviant way of living, corruption, i may never know.  what i know is i get to live LIFE in Reality Centered In Truth today.  surrounded by lush tropical fauna, flora, we are engaged in this little vibrant place, contributing, learning from the land, animals, plants.  our fingers get dirty, feet muddied, constantly covered in fresh forest air, at end of day washed in pure water, imbibing whole natural feedings nourished in ABa’s Provisions, Guided Constant in ABa’s Instruction, Leading, Illumination.  we get to live simply, with minimal needs, ABa’s Provisions in sunshine, fresh air, pure water, whole foods from the land, place of Rest, work, play engenders productiveness, creativity, understanding, Acceptance.  i love this Real Way Of Living compared to how i used to live.  LIFE touching us every moment imbued in Freshness, Cogency, Relevance.  i feel grateful for every Provision ABa Blesses.  today, we take a journey to kona, sandy beach side of island, crossing over saddle road flanked by two tallest mountains on the globe.  our island made up of clustering of volcanic isles raised from the sea floor.  i feel grateful for ABa’s Constant Conveyance, Meticulous Devotion, Eternal Steadfastness that is my Confidence, Reliance, Trust.  ABa’s Will be Done always for us AMeN.

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