Wednesday, June 3, 2015

prayer 2.27.15

feels so Good to awake into morning light without having to rush off to work in the dark!  what a luxury is time and space for contemplation, room for reflection, communion with LIFE GIVER.  what a welcomed treat indeed as we embrace AB’s SaBaT Rest, ceasing from self effort to Rely Complete In AB’s Provisions.  last evening’s half moon reminded of first week, quarter into new month, last in hebrew calendar.  i am playing catch up to date everything according to Original Way.  12th moon cycle, 12th month, ShaNaN in original hebrew numbering, adar, current name adopted from persians possibly during esther’s time.  AB Is Teaching me to observe time in relation to shifting of heavenly bodies as reference points, to know seasons, passage.  i feel grateful to be more connected in this Way, previously unavailable because we lived in city inundated by light pollution in the night, skies obscured from buildings and defilements, a general residing within walls not in open air.

walking with children at end of day, fetching goats from the fields, moon was already bright overhead as sun descends below tree line, resting against paling sky.  coolness at close of day refreshing, i felt happy to witness thriving of various plants revived with the rains.  with supply of moisture, we are encouraged to enjoy sunshine tempered in cover of vapor during day, invigorated in brisk, fresh, fortifying, enlivening atmosphere.  i feel grateful dry spell seems over but we are cautious because of anomaly for this time of year with extensive, pervasive drought.  everyone is aware but few mention to talk about it.  those who live in city have no conception of this lack, their water supplied from the city tap, they are disconnected from knowledge of Source.  hilo only feels more like kona or california, southern, but we in the country are intimately united with every ray of sunshine, every drop of moisture, every changing element out of tune, to know their effect when there is a change, shift, difference.

witnessing the seasons moving through, bringing requisites of LIFE in showers of moisture, sunshine, breezes, residents in forests, each taking turns permeate with happy songs.  various vociferous contribution appreciated, waking forest to life, bathed in flood of early morning light.  coquis have gone to bed, other voices emerge, filling this place with gladness, joy, vibrance.  rooster’s clarion announce break of day, panda curled up on rug beside me, neighborhood dog barking in distance echoing through forest filled with hardwoods straight and tall.  i feel grateful to be here, surrounded in verdant green, witnessing tame morning light casting shadows across house from objects standing in welcomed warmth.  rays splashing over everything lying in wait for awakening of dawning.

donald saunters out of bed into the woods, panda rousing for a good stretch, faithful, attentive, smart, jessi still curled up in bed enjoying last few breaths of subtle sleep.  how beautiful spreading of sunlight over trees, feeding everything in its path, circling east to west daily, joined by precipitation of clouds to nourish everything buoyed in vaporous air, rooted in earth, supplied by all the produce of AB SMYM Creator LIFE GIVER.  any lack and we should perish but AB Sustains All In Complete Knowingness, Unceasing Mercy, Unrestrained LOVE, Covered In Magnanimity, Blessedness, Beneficence, Faithful in our rising and falling, Truth AS IS, Reality Genuine For all.

condensed dew coat surfaces of leaves and structures, evaporating with brightening sun.  lightning, the black and white cat, catching a nap atop corner of railing, bowing his head in complete stillness, as if praying.  birdsongs continue but changing as different choirs come through to sing their songs, praising AB For LIFE.  blueness stretch across sky illuminated by piercing sun above tree line, making woven straw of tatami glow.  it is after all reflected light, not inherent in the object, though it may look to seem as if the object itself may be glowing bright.  we are the same in AB’s Enlightenment, standing in Presence Of Abiding Faithfulness, Reality IS, AB LIGHT GIVER.  we are Blessed to receive Gift Of LIFE, opening to blossom in AB’s Cultivation.  i feel so grateful in AB’s Constant Care, Provisions, Salvation Daily, Continually, Unceasingly Without End.  thus is the Care Of AB For everything, everyone, without exception, All Inclusive, Bridge Spanning all chasm Reaching all.

only we discriminate, bar, separate, victimize, fence off, isolate, segregate, divorce, shut out, deviate, obstruct, prohibit, break up, offend, distress, irritate, disagree, transgress.  AB IS ONE, Union, Reconciliation, Friendship, Bringing Together, Gathering To Settle everyone, Resolving In Agreement, Faithful Covenant, Promise Kept And Fulfilled, Joining, Incorporating, Embrace In Cherishing Approval, Encompassing In Favor Of LIFE, Accounting, Recognizing, Acknowledging In Abiding Eternal Presence, Delightful, Pleasant, Adoring, Joyful, Acceptance Complete AS IS.  i prefer AB’s Dealing, Way, Will For me Because AB Is Faithful In Unceasing Mercy, Radiating Unrestrained LOVE, Benefiting Good In Blessed Peace surpassing all understanding, Given Rest amid turmoil, Restoration of brokenness amid strife, disunion, conflict, animosity.  Balm Of Gilead, Spring, Fountain, Source Of Willingness, Rejoicing, Cheerfulness Eternal, Comfort Assurance, Confidence, Trust, Truth AS IS, Constant Devotion, Accurate Record, Mark Of Commitment, Seal Of Approval.

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