YDH ABa for turning dreams, ideas into Reality, Bringing LIFE to Design, Giving Birth to Purpose, Solidifying Meaningful Existence In Simplicity. i feel grateful for ABa’s Validation, Support, Affirmation in Weight Of Assurance, Cherishing Approval, Encouragement. Voice Of Acceptance Endorse In Appreciation, Seal In ABa’s Composure, Mark With Calm Reception, Welcoming Acknowledgment, Abiding Peace.
i have dreamed of a rock wall to climb since arriving on this island but felt discouraged to find no facility out or indoors. living in arcadia was convenient with indoor climbing gym down the road where many climbers hang out. i witnessed a graceful dance of agility, moving smoothly across a wall once, i was hooked, made a decision to climb like that and quickly did. our whole family climbed, including the little ones, in and out of doors, on fake and real rocks.
our little abode is two story with eastern face about 25 feet high, unreachable from all sides, except by the morning sun, breezes, rains. i have imagined installing holds to make scaling this wall accessible so we may finish painting this plane. the longest fully extended pole with roller could not reach the top most surfaces. terrain and water tank make ladder work dangerous. jessi started repainting this wall couple days ago while donald and i worked on the land, making it more even. cindering rocky patches, gathering alluvial soils for planting pandan hedge along stair for bath screen.
to finish this wall, our only access up affording fun long term with increased functionality will be to add climb holds all around, anchors along top beams for belay, providing safe climbing with rope and harness, freeing hands for repairs, work, painting, play. the lower sections can be navigated freely without tether, no more than half way up before gravity exerts it vertical pull downward. i feel grateful for this opportunity to realize a dream, reconciled in Reality. procuring some rock like holds for a dollar a piece, anchors can be had locally at hardware store.
i look forward to fulfillment in fruition for objective to climb and paint, ultimately giving the house a coat of protection from the elements, make repairs accessible without ladder work. i feel grateful for ABa’s Effectuation, Completion, Undertaking Achievement, Accomplishment Of Delight. climbing to me is meditative because it requires complete attention, focus on task. it is more mental than physical. once a dream is clear, fruit comes as a result of focused intent manifesting philosophy, Way Of Being. Considered Regard Practiced, Engenders Fulfillment, Effect, Culmination, Impact.
i feel the import of this undertaking, ABa’s Completion Is Consummate In Spirit Of Goodwill, Blessing Patience in work left undone now to Be Finished, Settled, Finalized, Concluded. Restoration Is Absolute, Thorough, Crowning creation Covered In ABa’s Blessedness, Forgiveness, Liberation, Vindication. we are Exonerated In ABa’s Ceaseless Mercy, Unrestrained LOVE, Comfort Of Approval, Assurance Given Complete. ABa Emancipate from vice, deception, destruction, decay, Renewing LIFE In Covenant Peaceful, Harmonized In Agreement Of Truth AS IS. i feel grateful for ABa’s Resolution, Determination, Committed Transformation, Rectifying wrong with Good, Reconciling in Union AMeN.
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