Wednesday, June 3, 2015

prayer 2.28.15

AB YDH For SaBaT, Given Rest In SaLaM from strenuous week that demanded greatly, exhausting much inner resources.  i feel grateful AB For Continual Sustenance, Strengthened Always In AB’s Fortification, Restored In AB’s Provisions, Endued In AB’s Protection, Sanctuary, Safe Keeping.

surrounded early morning by multitude of singing birds chatting away, interspersed by clarion of roosters in distance, cooing of doves in cool, still, forest.  such happy, gregarious songs to awaken dawning of muted skies, dark and bluish, lifting, brightening into steel pasty grey.

i feel grateful for these two weeks’ experience at doc baylac’s, learning much, reinforcing old skills revisited, rebuilding confidence to know i am able to manage compressed work load being paid as contractor and not hourly.  it is hectic work that requires proficient management of treatments timed between other treatments of intricate procedures.

IVs are stressful because it is mostly done ‘blind’, meaning by feel with assistance of sight but once you are under the skin, it is all unsighted.  perceptible by tactile touch of the hand, interpreted from experience in the brain.  at times, groping in complete darkness, as if at a distance, testing for access into vein.  it can feel pressing, taxing, demanding, trying, because procedure is invasive and can be painful to the patient, with sharps involved.

i don’t like it, sticking people with needles, but it is what is called for, required in their treatments.  other things are more fun, the various baths, packs, other non-invasive modalities that facilitate body’s healing process.  sunbathing, healthy food, proper rest, exercise, tools to improve mental poise and possession, decrease anxiety, guiding in healthier ways of thinking in approaching life, cleanliness inside and out.  i feel grateful for this healing place for people to come.

otherwise, it will be conventional allopathic, pharmaceutical based, excessively invasive, overloading with toxic substances in high stressed environ that is not conducive for healing, except for the very robust who will heal despite these challenges.  the people who come to the retreat are indeed very Blessed.  i see them improve, bodies have chance to rest and heal, educated in better ways of living that will contribute to their overall long term well being, if practiced consistently. 

hospitals and medical doctors may be useful for the acute, but if LIFE Is Lived Healthfully, Properly, Suitably, Wisely, one should not have acute episodes, crises that require hospitalization.  these should be avoided at all cost.  i used to work in them, witnessing so great suffering.  especially oncology, i was almost certain i was killing my patients with their prescribed drugs, infusing highly toxic substances in their weakened states.

after a year in that setting, not seeing good results, convinced of the treatments’ deadliness, i resolved to quit oncology, subsequently all harmful practices.  i felt that even if i were paid an exorbitant amount, it would be absolutely unconscionable for me to perform these things.  i simply could not see its worthiness nor efficacy, resulting in a search to examine, research, beneficial modalities that had no side effects.  best if something is advantageous with long term value, merit, benefit, Good That Is Profitable, Useful, Strengthening the entire constitution According To Law Of our Being.

so many things we commit daily are simply harmful, our thoughts inundated by falsehood, lies, foolishness, the thoughts being 80% of our efficiency.  if our thoughts are healthy, we have majority advantage, the physical making up the other 20%.  thus if we eat healthy but think unhealthful, toxic, destructive thoughts, we are 80% disadvantaged, robbed of our vital well being, handicapped by such great hindrance from fault of these invisible ruminations.  much of our suffering is generated by wrong thinking, unnecessary brooding.

when we understand this significance, we may choose consciously to change our thoughts to healthy versions.  our thoughts generate our emotions, which are connected to the various organs.  these are not separate entities but work in union as ONE.  thus when we gain control of our thoughts in healthfulness, shifting from fear to LOVE, this can only contribute to health, well being, joy, peace.  This Is AB’s Will For each of us.  reading authors like Dr. Becky Bailey will certainly help raise our awareness, consciousness, so that a different choice can be made that is Beneficial and not harmful.

knowing AB LIFE GIVER Creator to understand How Greatly we are Cherished in every aspect to the minutest detail of our lives Engenders Appreciation, LOVE, Mercy Received To Transform defects, deficiencies, lack.  Perfected, Completed In AB’s Thoughts, Will, Intention For us.  until this Perfection, Completion, we may always take AB’s View instead of our own, AB’s Thoughts, AB’s Judgment, Considerations, Intent, until ours are Established In Complete Truth AS IS.

what Parent does not desire the BEST And FINEST for their children?  How Much MORE Indeed From AB SMYM!  How Great AB’s Will For each of us!  How Profound AB’s Completion, Settlement, Resolution, Salvation Always For us, AB’s children.  each one created for Good, in likeness to AB’s Character, Nature, Essence.  no matter our physicality, we are beyond material for we are in Essence Spirit, transcending matter, the mundane, to know our Connection With Most HIGH, Belonging To Heaven, Source And Fountain Of LIFE, Truth AS IS.

i love AB’s Will, Thoughts, Intent For me.  i can never conceive such Amazing things for myself.  thus, i revel in AB’s Thoughts, Trust In AB’s Intent For my Good, find Rest In Given Assurance, feel Safe In AB’s Sanctuary, Secured from all harm in AB’s Guardianship, Custody, Stewardship.  this is ONE Who never sleeps but is Watchful, Vigilant, Seeing Beginning To End, Willing Goodness, Blessedness.  Most Excellent, Righteous, Moral, Faithful, Master Of Devotion, LIFE Tender, Beloved Parent of all.

where else could my trust be more Solid, Sure, Sound, than in AB’s Constant Dedication?  i feel so grateful for AB’s Will, Way Of Certain Approval, Cherished In AB’s Abiding Deferential Presence.  Encompassed In Faithfulness, Respectful Humility, Appropriate Favor, Dutiful Gentleness, Exemplary Principle, Magnanimous Satisfaction, Trustworthy Fulfillment.  i feel healthful all around because AB Heals To Restore In Pleasantness, Delightful Vigor, Unrestrained Felicity, Contentment, Joy, Fitness, Suitability, Relevance.  AMN and AMN!!

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