Monday, June 22, 2015

prayer 6.13.15

i know of no true REST outside of ABa’s Encirclement.  anything proposed by man is transient, unable to endure, short sighted, insensible at best.  like the ban on hemp back in 1937, of a plant grown world wide for thousands of years, making america completely dependent on outside source.  we used to be the envy of the world in terms of hemp variety, our first president grew it on his land around his house, followed by jefferson, but for some strange reason, it became illegal to grow!

an old american flag held up by senator pictured on her web site is made of hemp.  today, we have to import everything hemp, from food to fiber, and we are prosecuted by the government if we choose to grow this plant.  woody the actor grew four plants as a protest on his land in kentucky few years ago and was brought to trial.  he won, and now, kentuckians can grow this plant legally.  it is obvious the policy is unsound, perverse, foolish, and is being reversed country wide.  hopefully by end of this year, we will be able to grow this plant again in hawaii to reap its benefits.

we need this plant for so many reasons, Restoration being one.  i felt a tremendous improvement in my memory and vision after consuming a hand full of toasted hemp seeds, product of canada.  we have made canadians rich by our improper removal of this plant for almost 80 years in this country.  it is a billion dollar business, with us as their biggest consumer.  few things surprised me about usage of this plant.  hempcrete can be used to build houses, the plant can be grown on polluted soils to extract toxic substances, its oil is medically used for treating epilepsy, cancers and other conditions, its seeds a highly nutritious food, in essence, the entire plant is useful.

whoever made the policy to illegalize hemp has got to be an idiot or really evil!  i witness so many travesties committed globally, genetic modification of organisms being the biggest sham, causing untold harm to our planet, peoples, environment.  every one who commits such crimes against humanity must be tried, judged, sentenced.  people who make choices to harm must pay for their actions.  i feel the ones who are devoted to corruption, perversions, criminal atrocities led by pride, greed, deceit are the true hitlers of our times and must face consequences for their deeds.  every individual, company, politician, government agency, government, country that promotes such harmful practices must come to trial, be judged, consequences mete out.

currently there is no oversight thus illegal activities are rampant.  our government is no longer for the people but for monopolies that oppress the people.  we are so poorly educated to take over reigns of our forefathers, to properly return control to the people will take time and proper education.  we witness injustices committed constantly against the people, devastation of our environment, all for short term gain.  the people are beginning to wake up, thus the push to pass this or that law that will eventually be overturned, criminals want protection they do not deserve.  i am talking about companies like monsanto and associates, big pharma, chemical companies that produce nothing but harmful things for humans and the planet.

we are returning to Balance, in this Restoration, harmful things cannot remain and are being purged.  participants that have stolen, killed, murdered, destroyed on this planet are losing cover as Truth Is Publicized, deception is failing concealment, Light Of Truth Shines Bright Revealing wrongfulness, inappropriateness, harmful results of damaging actions, malignant motivation.  the insanity of such criminal acts unfathomable, hidden in layers of suffocating darkness.  i feel grateful ABa is Unveiling Truth AS IS before our eyes, with Heaven Approaching to Reclaim Rightful Ownership, Truth Is Coming Near, falsehood cannot abide, this is happening right now AMeN!

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