Saturday, June 13, 2015

prayer 6.5.15

awaken early predawn, glint of moonlight reflected from sun is enough to give contrast, outlining features of house framing.  ABa brings me through landscape of internal life, showing progression of Restoration of my heart.  i feel grateful for Revelation to realize how far ABa has brought me, Completing so great an expanse to bridge so many gaps missing, making traverse even, smooth, passable, connected with LIFE GIVER.

feeling refreshed in morning sunrise stretching across tree line in crisp steel brightness, matching slight chill of dawn.  roosters singing in distance, flocks of birds have passed through leaving forest residents in simple songs.  pono is curled up next to her house, barking earlier at some cats.  she is now quiet, still as the forest calm.  warmed by dry sunny day before, welcome respite from drenching rains, looks as if storm has passed to give break in clear skies with sun shining brightly through.  

newly sown patch of alluvial soils sprouted carpet of seedlings, array of plants reside where rocks used to lay bare.  i feel grateful for this gift, hopeful, knowing we have access to this material for growth of vegetation.  when the blue berries, black berries and bay keikis are transplanted into the forest, these will be planted in such deposits.  the first sowing reveals fertility of the soils and what it will support.  buckwheat and radish will live in almost conditions, others will not.  ABa supplies all needed elements for fruitfulness.  we use huge quantities of weeds to enrich plantings, compost, mulching around fruit trees and vines.

day before, i had felt baffled by ethiopian diet.  a book i was reading would help an ethiopian, not a foreigner who has not been to africa or those parts.  i was given the book by a friend visiting many years ago in arcadia.  there is room now to incorporate some elements of this diet into whole plant based eating.  words can be difficult to translate into practice when not simply shown, thus my first attempt at injera, the native bread, my unfermented version unfolded as a crepe, which i have experienced living in europe.  toasted buckwheat whole, flax gold and brown, millet dehulled, sorghum, vitamix renders grains into flour ready to mix with water into gruel, baked on stove top spread thin.  oil less, supple, moist, eaten with curried legumes and vegetables, i feel the dense earthiness of this diet.

all our diets are not that far apart, each lacing into others spanning the entire globe, influenced by local ingredients and cultures.  traditional cultures consume great quantities of whole grains and plants, meat eating being the exception on rare occasions.  my father’s generation ate this way, unaffected by genetic modification of foods.  i feel their western education adulterated their traditional practices, my father for decades became a voracious meat eater, suffering health wise for this addiction.  from passing of my mom, i realize his vulnerability, weaknesses, frailty because she is no longer there to bolster him.  i also ate meat from childhood, not knowing any better.  my mother’s leaning is toward that of vegetarian, my father did not control his appetite, except on religious grounds staying away from unclean foods of the bible.

since his fast year and half before, restored from diabetes, hypertension, gout, psoriasis, gall and kidney stones, history of heart disease, depression, he is more disciplined, remaining plant based but still eating out way too often because of invitations.  he is not at his prime but maintaining relatively well considering impact of grieving and loss this past year.  ABa sustains him in Comfort Of Assurance, Cherishing Approval, Ceaseless Mercy, Unrestrained LOVE, Leading him daily.  i feel he is settling, calming down, easing from confusion into Clarity.  i feel grateful for ABa’s Restoration, Enduring Embrace, Cherishing Support, Complete Acceptance despite our failures, Encouraging to Uplift through dire distress, hardships, sufferings.  when no one is able to stand, ABa Is Near to Carry us in LIFE’s Embrace.  i feel grateful for Settlement, Rest Given, Peaceful Reconciliation, Kept In ABa’s Sanctuary Safety, Support, Faithfulness.

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