YDH AB For dew in forest, sunlight stretching across horizon, birds singing conversations, herbs covering ground, gentle breeze bringing moisture in air, relieving weeks of dryness. i feel so grateful for rains that fell day before, adding much needed water to tanks, AB preserving us, plants, animals through dazing weeks of stupefying hotness, unusual for season normally filled with downpours.
i have enjoyed the sunshine despite intense drought. i feel thankful for AB’s Provisions, Gift Of Heart. resemblance of AB in proximity avails correspondence, similitude, affinity. intimate relating with AB’s Heart in close participation, nearness, knit together inseparable naturally, genuinely, spontaneous, truly. we struggle only when we are not bound in relationship with AB SMYM, contriving in our imagination notion, instead of Actual.
when we know Original authentically, actually, we are able to attest in honest Verity, Legitimacy, Truthfulness Of Source, Provenance, Derivation, Author. when we do not know, we flounder. this is true with anything in knowing, being familiar, acquainted, conversant of any experience, object, entity. recognition, consciously informed, cognizant perception, versed, learned, on Good terms with, identified, experienced in, engaged, married to, are several terms describing such relating of knowing.
set apart, occupied, attached, connected, joined in union, involved, taken, pledged, employed, reserved, established, settled, resolved, covenant, agreed; all entail decision, choice, belonging to. devoted, committed, coupled, fit, meet together in participation, union, clustering, assembled, grouped, supported, upheld, embrace, cherish, enfold, harvest, flock, concepts common in Word Of LIFE.
i feel grateful for this relating, comforted in AB’s Friendship, Constant Companionship, Faithful Maintenance, Direct Personal Involvement. Guiding Path, Showing Way Of LIFE In Truth. prayerfully we choose to follow Good for our Benefit, Advantage, Well-Being, Usefulness. even when we resist, rebel, turn aside from Right to commit wrong, AB’s Mercy Follow In Assurance Of Approval, Prompting our Reversal, Return, Reconciliation.
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