as a life becomes more truthful, conscientious, sedulous, dedicated to devotion, faithful, honest, it is also more spiritual, belonging to Divine, assimilated in AB, sacred, set apart, rigorous, passionate, committed to integrity, rectitude, principle, in sincere, genuine, authenticity. to be right with AB is to be correct, appropriate, suitable for LIFE. approving complete creation, existence AS IS, Spirit Of Truth, Way Alive, Viable, Successful, Good.
socrates speaking freely, without charge, exhorting Best, Superior, Upright Way. living life of simplicity, decency, honor recorded by xenophon, also plato. reminds of benjamin franklin’s life, albeit that of franklin was filled with more temptation, greater trials, allurement. Truth AB Reveals, Gives Freely. Magnanimity being my example, socrates confirm validity in practice and life. what has AB Given that is not Freely, Generously, Open Handedly Bestowed? every requisite of LIFE is free to us. only we have complicated life for gain, created systematic, structured enslavement in every area of living, in dependency. we are no longer free, choosing convenience over liberty, taxed from birth to death, strangulated in regulation because we are lawless, disrespectful, completely out of control, intemperate, undisciplined, slothful.
america originally inhabited by indigenous persons were visited by explorers at first, then refugees from england. running from persecution, seeking liberty, relief, opportunity, settled here with help from compassionate tribes, without whom none would have survived the first winter. greed of britannia of romish decent, grasping, revived by evil kings and queens, purposed to extort vast continent by way of compulsion, coercion. fledgling colonies at first devoted to the crown but learning freedom away from oppression, recognized need to become independent of despotic, restrictive rule. returning to objective in leaving enslavement for self determination in free will. Original Intent, Will Of AB SMYM For all peoples.
Gift AB Maintains Openly, without interference, Generously, Readily, Freely. Giving each dominion of our own, to determine, choose, decide for ourselves how to live. how precious this Gift, not be under restriction, meddling, disturbance, distortion, compulsion of another. enabled to live as one wishes, be it Good or bad. Caution is ample, beseeching us to choose LIFE, not death, destruction, killing. ultimately, it is our choice. some make in freedom, some amid oppression. nonetheless, choice is constant, even in persecution, repression, subjugation, injustice. all man-made causing suffering, hardship, misery, effectuated by spirit of selfishness, depriving Freedom, very Right Of Existence, LIFE, Gift Of AB.
anytime we take away someone’s choice, we violate AB’s Will, Given to every sentient, living being, all created with Equal Right To Liberty. raised in fear based tactics, filled with violence, threatened, cowing. we perpetuate the same in our children, treating them the way we were treated. to break the cycle requires Gift Of Recognition, being made Aware, Conscious, Alive to our thoughts, words, actions. socrates thus encourages self examination, scrutiny, inspection, consideration, so proper, right, appropriate improvements may be made. Arising from a different choice, for LIFE, Good, LOVE instead of fear, death, destruction. fearfulness distresses, distorts, blinds, unnerves, paralyzes. LOVE, Warmth, Devotion, Compassion, Faithfulness Assures, Comforts, Approves, INspires, Activates, Promotes, Augments.
Enlarging instead of cowering, freeing from enslavement, Affording Full Development, Fruition, Maturity instead of stifling. Making Room for all to coexist happily in Justice, Mercy, Blessing Impartial. Approving, Encouraging, Acknowledging to Recognize each contribution, choice, decision, freely made. Such IS Will Of AB SMYM For each of us, irrespective of race, beliefs, inclinations. we, all sons and daughters descended from AB, Who Created adam, basic meaning of which is mankind or humanity, havah (eve), basic meaning of which is the living. Giving each one Spirit Of LIFE, supplied with all requisites to live, Freely, Openly, Liberally. despite our failure, short fall, wrong choices, AB’s Mercy, Unrestrained LOVE Changes NOT Toward us, Is Eternal, Ceaseless. THIS IS AB’s CHOICE, irrespective of our choices, Unconditional, Unreserved, Given To everyone, everything, everywhere.
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