Tuesday, June 2, 2015

prayer 1.24.15

YDH AB For SaBaT SaLaM.  i feel so grateful for Your Thoughts, Intention, Purpose, Accomplishments, Completion, Perfection.  i know how fleeting, inconsequential, faithless, erroneous my own or any human thought is.  we are filled with distortions, perversions, adulteration, corrupted, mortal, perishable.  indeed none is Good, Only AB.  Who Transcends, Surpassing Permanence, Is Eternal, Changeless, Faithful, True, Dependable, Trustworthy.

as the rains fail, so do crops, our efforts for food production, water.  suffocating dryness of air that carry no moisture that fall, we are parched, thirsty, hungry, dying.  Hope Is Near, Assurance Strong, Sustaining in pervasive extended drought.  Waiting to Open skies To Fill With Latter Rains, when it is time.  english translation says somewhere that our food and water will be Sure.  i choose to trust in this saying, despite circumstances.  how fragile our existence, how easily disturbed, disrupted, broken, destroyed, in such a short period of time.  few weeks without rain, wiping out years, decades, generations of human implementation.

there is no reliance on anything normal.  not even in historical occurrence has there been as intense a culmination of disruptions.  this is a sense, to be watchful, vigilant, the end is near.  each day lived is one day closer to Completion, Conclusion, Finish.  ultimately there is nothing anyone can do but choose Whose and Which side we are with.  i choose LIFE, AB’s Side, to belong with Truth AS IS.  AB Preserves this choice, honoring to Defend And Protect every one’s space for decision, no matter the pressing.  this is afforded, availing us freedom to choose our allegiance.  i choose AB as my Safeguard, Champion, Custodian, Representative, Friend.

cloudless sky all day and night, orange glow upon horizon spreading, another rainless day without precipitation.  in times of hardship, is helpful to look outside our own situation to realize the suffering that is ongoing in others.  availing compassion as we travail together, reaching final point of decision for all, so that AB’s Word Is Fulfilled.  conditions Satisfied, to bring end and Settlement, Resolving separation in Union, Reconciliation, Agreement, Peace, Harmony.  this is what i would like.  to see the End finally of war, hatred, greed, pride, falsehood, lies, disease, sickness, death, destruction, suffering, pain, sorrow, misery, injustice, wretchedness, anguish, privation.

AB Open To Give Access, Showing Forth Way To LIFE, Well Being, Success, Security, Fruitfulness, Bounty, Plentitude.  it is our choice, to accept, or not.  always our own choices, decisions.  AB Honors every choice we make in Unrestrained LOVE Unequivocally Unconditionally.  this is Given to all Unreservedly.  Sacrifice Of AB In Upholding Truth AS IS, Fulfillment Of Promise In Faithfulness.  Devotion, Changeless, Trust, That Only AB Can Afford To Bestow Freely, without charge, to all.

as i finish this sentence, the sky fills with blues and grey, layers of clouds forming across skyline, easing dryness.  humidity returns to air.  birds are abundantly out singing in forest.  we have respite, Comforted briefly, from oppressive heat of the previous day.  how dependent we are on elements to supply our needs.  avails deeper trust in Providence, to know Constant Care Of AB, Who Abides even as clouds shift again to glow pastel.  vivid technicolor display across expanse of rising sun, i can barely enjoy, seeing it brings no rains, and we continue in prolonged shortage of needed water.

AB Your Will Be Done, i choose to trust in Your Provisions.  You Know our needs more intimately than any and Is Here Constant With us.  as harsh as i may perceive the day to be, it is Gentle, Merciful.  we are Preserved Alive.  there has been no deaths, only a dozen plants, newly transplanted, not able to receive usual moisture.  i feel sad, discouraged by these, our lives, certainly not perfect.  we face disadvantage in privation, hard pressed, drained, living down to the marrow, in simplistic, humble, lowliness, inconsequential to the world indeed, as outcasts.  there is no one to help except AB SMYM, day after day, forsaken, abandoned, neglected, relegated to the waste heap.  without income or work in human terms have been extremely difficult.  we make do, go without much, tolerate much, accept much, enduring pang after pang.  Strengthened In AB’s Embrace Alone, Upheld In AB’s Sustenance, we lack in nothing Essential.

today finds me inconvenient to appreciate, perceiving sharp, arid, barren, desolation.  so great unpleasantness adulterating beauty of the day.  AB Uplifts To Encourage, Buoying Spirit In Truth Of Assurance.  i feel reluctance, held back by internal bleakness, breaking of heart.  the sky glows brilliant, all nature sings to welcome day.  my feelings irrelevant, unsynchronized to salutation, unappreciative of Gifts.  i feel softening, i feel AB’s Grace touching, melting.  Restoring scorching of my heart, wounding, distress, torment resolving.  my mom’s birthday is tomorrow, i feel no celebration.  my heart cries for a deep missing of her presence.  she is gone, for a time.  

i believe AB’s Promise Of Reunion soon to arrive.  i choose to look forward to Joy Of Gathering, all AB’s children, from the last to the first.  there, i will see my mom revived, restored, never to suffer death, destruction, corruption.  living her Hope, To Always Be With AB SMYM Inseparable.  i have this same Hope as my mom, and thus, belief, trust, binds us in AB’s Will, Fulfillment, Satisfaction.  this will truly be Miraculous Day Indeed!  YDH AB SMYM For Your Faithfulness, Completing Word Of Honor, Truth AS IS.  we have merely to wait and be witness to AB’s Performance, Bringing To Conclusion all that is, According To Word Of LIFE.

any True help we receive is not of human origin.  i find more and more, Real, Essential Support, Contribution, Relief, Comfort, Encouragement From Ab’s Issuance.  Alleviating To Improve every distress, Healing injury, insults, grief unspoken to any human.  to AB Only, Who Hears every whimper, wipes every tear drop, Near when i am alone, to Cherish, Approve, Endorse In Palpable Appreciation.  Advocate With Compassion, Accept In Favor Absolutely, Completely, all that we are to LIFE.  when we but know AB’s Unrestrained Abiding LOVE, there is nothing that can impede, obstruct.  connected to Spirit Akin To ours, Inspired, Given LIFE, Supported In Ab’s Regard, Care, Provisions.  this, our Greatest Need Accomplished By AB For us, Meeting every need, Able To Satisfy every thirst, Filling To Overflowing every ‘missing’, Executed In Perfection.  i feel grateful.  how shall we face crises but in AB’s Mercy?

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