Saturday, July 25, 2015

prayer 7.17.15

Freedom abides under oppression for Reason to Liberate, working ceaselessly, showing forth injustice of system hamstrung, people suppressed, persecuted by wrongful, unwarranted, jaundiced misapplication of law.  we sent jacob off with healthy foods bought from island naturals, fresh nectarines and plums sent over from mainland with sticker still on them.  these were confiscated due to misinterpretation and misapplication of law at security check point where humans are reduced to animals, stripping us of all our rights.  we are not allowed to bring fresh pure water, no fresh foods, our person violated from head to toe in searches, in order that we may embark an aircraft to reach a destination we paid fare for.  why we put up with such ridiculous nonsense must be our complacency.  thus, Freedom Remains to work in such prejudiced, inequitable, one-sided abusive situations.

perhaps one day soon, nonsense will be rid completely.  people are not machines without conscience to guide them.  if our forefathers were to pass through the air port today, i wonder what their response will be.  they did not tolerate even a stamp tax to be unfairly placed on them.  today, we are inundated by taxes taking more than half our income to be squandered by government for things against the people, like sponsorship of conglomerates that created harmful substances, pollutants, poisons that kill, stealing from the people.  we are born into this corrupted heritage that none of our founding fathers would live with.  today, we are treated like animals, herded, abused, molested, harassed left and right in confusion, but we really don’t have to put up with any of it.  perhaps like thoreau stated, in an unjust system, the rightful place for the just is in the prison, at least the injustice displayed there will be blatant and no longer subtle.  i feel we may have more rights there than elsewhere.

our human systems are failing, no matter how many cycles we go through, it is the same result.  corruption brings destruction no matter how noble the beginning, eventually the heirs are unable to sustain justice at all.  in reality, there is never justice in human systems, man made laws, inherently we each are biased, skewing perception toward false seeing.  human intervention is ineffectual, akin to what is happening with email servers today that limit recipients to under 50 in effort to deal with spam.  it is stupid, ineffective, because it does not deal with the source, cause of problem.  when someone can sign up with whatever identity, allows for great abuses.  it the company’s motive is to collect contacts for profit from sale of these fake names, it creates its own problem, spamming.  if every single email is legitimate, every address is linked to a real person, the problem will be eliminated immediately, because there will be accountability, responsibility.  

proper identification of authenticity seems to be greatly lacking as every one prefers feigning.  Honesty is certainly abnormal in society, people resorting to preference for lies instead of Truth.  if Truth is the Standard Principle, i am sure spamming will discontinue.  there is no point to it, except lies built on more lies, for profit that brings only emptiness, vacuous insanity.  i have shared daily bible studies in the original languages since 2011 without any difficulty to hundreds of recipients in one send.  these days, it is impossible to get the messages through without rejection.  there is an agreement between sender and receiver to send and receive the daily studies shared, yet i am hampered in my daily efforts of sharing.  underlying all this human confusion is a greater evil, spiritual opposition to hinder Word Of Truth, efforts of which is futile, fruitless, useless.  it is demonstration of desperation because it is the loser, illegitimate, false in every thing. 

i cannot wait till this evil is rid complete, Restoration is Near, Owner Creator Legitimate Rule is Returning to Claim Rightful Possession.  abusive tenants will be removed, Peace Restored, earth Renewed, peoples Rebuilt In Integrity.  i feel grateful for ABa’s Fulfillment, Faithful Deliverance, Assurance Most High Cherishing humanity in our worst.  it is time, season, occasion for Reversal.  Revelation Of Truth Is Clear, corruption rampant, touching every thing alive to steal, kill, destroy.  we are powerless against evil except in ABa’s Cover, Sanctuary, Safekeeping.  this is where i choose to stay, ABa Abiding to Defend, Protect, Vindicate every wrong committed.  isn’t it interesting that opposer is the one who corrupts us in the first place, then points the finger, with every accusation is the very condemnation of evil, one finger points outward is three pointing back at self, the perpetrator.  we are all Forgiven Instantly, ABa holds no grudge against any one, Being Magnanimous Accepts all, including the opposition, there is no separation but ONE.

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