Thursday, July 30, 2015

Revelation 14:19

Revelation 14:19

iBoS:  Word, Messenger Embrace, Raise the fragile, naked, Protect the defiled, Settle, Fulfill humanity in Approval Most High.

Magiera:  And the angel cast out his sickle on the earth and gathered the vineyard of the earth and he cast [it] into the great winepress of the fury of Alaha.

English  Hebrew Strong’s #/Hebrew/Hebrew Transliterated Pronunciation/Aramaic LWM #/Aramaic Transliteration/Aramaic Pronunciation/Greek Strong’s #/Greek/Greek Transliteration Interlinear:

Word/Settle  H7411 רמה RaMaH/A2372 RMA rema/G906 εβαλον ebalon
Messenger  H4397 מלאך MaLAK/A1375 MLAKA malaka/G32 αγγελος aggelos
Embrace  H4038 מגל MaGaL/A1321 MGLA magla/G1407 δρεπανον drepanon
Raise/Most High  H5920 על AiL/A1804 AiL al/*G
humanity/fragile  H776 ארץ ARaTs/A199 ARAiA ara/G1093 γης ges
stripped/naked  H6998 קטף QaTaPh/A2186 QTP qetaph/*G
Protect/Nourish  H3754 כרם KaRaM/A1240 KRMA karma/*G
earth/defile  H776 ארץ ARaTs/A199 ARAiA ara/G1093 γης ges
Word/Settle  H7411 רמה RaMaH/A2372 RMA rema/G906 εβαλον ebalon
Enfold/Cherish/Fulfill  A1866 MAiTsRTA maytsarta/G3025 ληνον lenon
humanity  H7227 רב RaB/A2271 RBA raba/*G
Approval  H2534 חמת KaMaTh/A838 KMTA khemtha/G2372 θυμου thumou
Most High  H433 אלה ALaH/A93 ALHA alaha/G2316 θεου theou

Hebrew Root Word/Aramaic/Greek/English Expanded Exhaustive Definitions:

H7411 רמה RaMaH/A2372 RMA rema/G906 εβαλον ebalon:  to hurl, to shoot, cause to fall, deceive, beguile, thrown, assess, cast, impose, cast down, height as seat of idolatry, high places, pride, arrogance, deceit, rapid breeding of worms, spreading, betray, forsake, abandon, delude, be on high, raise on high, exalt, extol, offer, give, lofty, promote, increase, magnify, worship, venerate, honor, enlarge, thrust, lay, arise, pour, send, strike, with force and effort, to smite, buffet, let go, launch, catapult, propel, project, deliver, give, land, direct, shoot, dislodge, unseat, disconcert, unnerve, agitate, discomfit, unsettle, host, hold, have, provide, arrange, organize, deposit, cover, remove, drive, bring down, displace, reject, dismiss, refuse, spread, open, register, record, enter, file, emit, radiate, form, create, shine forth, shed light, lose, discard, mold, fashion, shape, model, sculpt, choose, select, prefer, favor, name, call, nominate, forge, decide, fix, appoint, elect, wish, desire, inclined, fit, place, set down, settle, leave, assign, allocate, attribute, submit, present, tend, offer, express, frame, render, convey, recognize, value, judge, explain, make clear, clarify, save, set aside, consider, come to light, become apparent, appear, emerge, result, follow, derive, originate, cause, stand up, proceed, Word, stream, flow, gush, rain, strong, prevail, dispatch, consign, direct, transmit, communicate, summon, contact, request, order, release

H4397 מלאך MaLAK/A1375 MLAKA malaka/G32 αγγελος aggelos:  to despatch as a deputy, a messenger, specifically of God, i.e. an angel, also a prophet, priest, or teacher, ambassador, spirits of the heavens that stand before the Lord of all the earth, Someone sent over a great distance by an individual or community in order to communicate a message, often several messengers are sent together, a representative of a King, diplomat, significant and important function, honor to the messenger signified honor to the sender, Supernatural messenger of the Lord sent with a particular message, commissioned to protect and deliver God's people, given charge of His people, to keep them in the Way, to save them, Christ, employed, occupied, possessed, property of the Lord belonging to Him, One doing God's bidding and business, ministration, to bring, drive, move, induce, bring forth, carry, lead along, cause to enter, bring message, to proclaim, bring tidings and news, messenger sent by God, guardian, representative, belonging to Heaven engaged in God's service, chosen to carry His Word to declare and make known His Thoughts and Will, promoter, benefactor, paragon of virtue, shining forth, epitome, embodiment, personification, quintessence, apotheosis, acme, jewel, treasure, example, nonpareil, exemplar, consummate, inimitable, from God, sent from God, appointed by God, best person for the job, top, head, chief, central, main, principal, prince, emissary, delegate, deputy, plenipotentiary, diplomat, minister, dignitary, high commissioner, envoy, legate, champion, advocate, leader, consul, one in charge, surrogate, liaison, spokesperson, agent, intermediary, mediator, go between, substitute, replacement, proxy, stand in, relief, understudy, reserve, fill in, back up, provision, caretaker, protector, defender, preserver, custodian, keeper, conservator, curator, steward, trustee, superintendent, attendant

H4038 מגל MaGaL/A1321 MGLA magla/G1407 δρεπανον drepanon:  reap, harvest, sickle, cut, gather, receive, accumulate, draw, bring in, embrace, enfold, collect, yield, produce, fruitful, amass, engender, return, result, end, effect, obtain, recover, earn, gain, achieve, garner, reach, reward, profit, augment, benefit

H5920 על AiL/A1804 AiL al/*G:  Highest Most High, aloft, YHWH, above, on high, throughout, ascend on high, be high, mount, raise, arose, exalted, preeminent, prominence, pinnacle, to go up, offer up, movement from lower to higher place, to rise up, overwhelm, overpower, increasing in strength, Record, Truth, presenting offering, Gift, Sacrifice, wholly given, rest, Supreme Exceedingly Mighty Ruler Of Divine Majesty And Power, Superior  To Deliver Victorious, Source Of Life, Character, Attribute, Impressive, YaH Who reveals Self in power and enters into covenant relationship with humanity, supernatural provision and power, Holy, Creator, Savior, covenant of constant care and love for His family, ethical, righteous, continuity, stability, veneration, Supreme Deity, Magistrate, YHWH Elohim, Unoriginated Immutable Eternal Self Sustained Existence, Unity, Almighty Infinite Faithful, Mercy, Love, Truth, Word, Ruler and Owner of all, Source of all moral authority, Master Teacher, Redeemer, Everlasting Father, Author, Counsel, resemblance, similitude, at One, denoting original point whence motion or action proceeds, completion

H776 ארץ ARaTs/A199 ARAiA ara/G1093 γης ges:  soil, earth, solid, whole, land, ground, country, world, region, present abode of humankind, floor, clay, dirt, turf, territory, humanity, den, burrow, shelter, hideout, domain, dominion, dirty, stain, smear, spoil, dishonor, damage, sully, blacken, dark, taint, blemish, defile, muddy, weak, mutable, fragile, transient

H6998 קטף QaTaPh/A2186 QTP qetaph/*G:  stripped, crop off, cut off, pluck, separated, divorced, cut down, trampled, naked, uncovered, removed, divest, deprive, leave, loss, shame, disgrace, humiliate, dispossess, take apart, empty, plunder, pillage, despoil, shred, damage, wound, injure, mince, reduce, decrease, delete, discontinue, interrupt, missing, disconnected, segregated, split apart, sunder, disjointed, divided, isolate, disassociate, broken

H3754 כרם KaRaM/A1240 KRMA karma/*G:  garden, fenced, protect, regard, care, attendance, defend, property, possession, hold, keep, take care of, cultivate, nurture, nourish, cherish, feed, attend, devotion, dedication, commitment, occupation, rule

H776 ארץ ARaTs/A199 ARAiA ara/G1093 γης ges:  soil, earth, solid, whole, land, ground, country, world, region, present abode of humankind, floor, clay, dirt, turf, territory, humanity, den, burrow, shelter, hideout, domain, dominion, dirty, stain, smear, spoil, dishonor, damage, sully, blacken, dark, taint, blemish, defile, muddy, weak, mutable, fragile, transient

H7411 רמה RaMaH/A2372 RMA rema/G906 εβαλον ebalon:  to hurl, to shoot, cause to fall, deceive, beguile, thrown, assess, cast, impose, cast down, height as seat of idolatry, high places, pride, arrogance, deceit, rapid breeding of worms, spreading, betray, forsake, abandon, delude, be on high, raise on high, exalt, extol, offer, give, lofty, promote, increase, magnify, worship, venerate, honor, enlarge, thrust, lay, arise, pour, send, strike, with force and effort, to smite, buffet, let go, launch, catapult, propel, project, deliver, give, land, direct, shoot, dislodge, unseat, disconcert, unnerve, agitate, discomfit, unsettle, host, hold, have, provide, arrange, organize, deposit, cover, remove, drive, bring down, displace, reject, dismiss, refuse, spread, open, register, record, enter, file, emit, radiate, form, create, shine forth, shed light, lose, discard, mold, fashion, shape, model, sculpt, choose, select, prefer, favor, name, call, nominate, forge, decide, fix, appoint, elect, wish, desire, inclined, fit, place, set down, settle, leave, assign, allocate, attribute, submit, present, tend, offer, express, frame, render, convey, recognize, value, judge, explain, make clear, clarify, save, set aside, consider, come to light, become apparent, appear, emerge, result, follow, derive, originate, cause, stand up, proceed, Word, stream, flow, gush, rain, strong, prevail, dispatch, consign, direct, transmit, communicate, summon, contact, request, order, release

A1866 MAiTsRTA maytsarta/G3025 ληνον lenon:  press, a trough, vat, especially for treading grapes, dug out in the soil and excavated in a rock, execution of judgement divine, winepress, a long narrow open container to eat and drink out of, container of similar shape used for the purpose of growing or mixing substances, channel used to convey liquid, Way, a long hollow in the earth's surface, drain, pipe, an elongated region of low atmospheric pressure, hollow between two crests in the sea, passage, low point, tree, manger, feeder, bunk, rack, crib, waterer, conduit, trench, ditch, gully, culvert, cut, flume, gutter, channel for conveying water or other liquid, to bring together, gather, conduct, chute, assemblage, close association, companionship, in immediate succession, bonded closely together as a whole, close group, congregate, assemble, having similar values, related, mass, clutch, bundle, truss, crowd, huddle, throng, flock, pack, band, collect, come together, bring together and take in from scattered places and sources, draw together toward oneself, draw and hold together, summon, call together for a purpose, gathered and drawn in, bringing widely scattered things or people to one place, select, organize, done as a free choice, convene, meet, suitable, marshal, muster, bringing together the parts, orderly and purposeful arrangement, converge, rally, round up, accumulate, amass, garner, accrue, store, reap, pick, pluck, attract, be given to understand, conclude, learn, discover, grasp, embrace, enfold, hold, cuddle, cherish, tuck, fold, embosom, a number of things typically of the same kind growing or fastened together, group of people, large quantity and number of something, a lot, collect and fasten into a compact group, gather into close folds, form into a tight group, the best in a particular group, bouquet, wreath, garland, assemblage, set, circle, company, party, crew, multitude, assortment, many, lots of, loads of, tons of, abundance, result, consequence, call out or forth, inspire, animate, enliven, rouse, stir, stimulate, galvanize, inspirit, kindle, spark, light, give birth, engender, ignite, set alight, awaken, evoke, activate, rouse from sleep, cause to stop sleeping, make aware of something for the first time, enlighten, illuminate, quicken, revive, regenerate, forbear, render, accomplish, fulfill, complete, finish, diligence, discerning, ascertain, sure, assure, gather and cut a crop or harvest, receive as a consequence of one's own or other people's actions, garner, bring in, obtain, acquire, secure, realize, become fully aware of something as a fact, vessel, tub or tank used to hold liquid, receptacle, holder, reservoir

H7227 רב RaB/A2271 RBA raba/*G:  creation, creatures, acquisition, purchase, wealth, substance, of getting and owning, begetting, bringing forth, goods, riches, with, possession, occupation, property, belonging to someone, to build, erect, set up, establish, procure by purchase, create, to own, owner, possessor, recover, redeemed, attain, teach to keep, sure, verified, bring into being, making purchase agreement with another, earn, resemblance, beam, branch, scion, offspring, generate, generation, to dwell among with, full measure given, subjugate, cause, large, great, elder, big, loud, exceeding, mighty, high, strong, sore, of rank, degree, intensity, force of voice, magnitude, strength, number, abundance, precedence, conspicuous, outpouring, power, increase, greatness, dignity, ascription, acknowledge, recognition, mankind, humanity, countenance, face, human being without reference to gender or nationality, in distinction from God with suggestion of human frailty and imperfection, carnal, of human origin, standard generally accepted among men, not drawn from Scripture, inner self, fellow, complete and mature, full age, brought to its end, finished wanting nothing necessary to completeness when joined to God, verified, created by the Will of God in His likeness to belong with Him in His Family and given dominion of the earth, includes all human individuals, from Aloha as Divine, human life, wont to fight urged on by desire of gain, commiseration, maltreated and defenseless, two fold nature of man, moral condition, conformed to the nature of God, family, household, people, servant, employment, devoted to the service of God, resemblance, similitude, likeness of Aloha

H2534 חמת KaMaTh/A838 KMTA khemtha/G2372 θυμου thumou:  affinity, beloved, warm, cherish, delight in, desire, pleasant, desirable, precious, heat, hot, kindle, keep alive in full flame, boil, fervent, to glow, ruddy, bubbling, rising, heap, fermentation, result of complete fermentation, drink, effervesce, banqueting, refreshment, make merry, rejoicing before the Lord, wine at any stage, sweet wine, fresh juice, must, new wine, not bitter, fresh, squeezed out, pressed, new and sweet, trodden out, trample, squeeze out juice, mixture, wine mixed with water or spices, drink offering, mingle, chemical breakdown or a substance by bacteria, yeast or other microorganisms typically involving effervescence and the giving off of heat, the process of this kind of conversion, excitement, incite, stir up, develop, catalyst, to boil, love, preserve, nourish, feed, dear, choice, favor, approval, warmth, devotion, dedication, commitment, foster, harmonious, brew, immerse, penetrate, teach, cause, bring about, give rise to, generate, engender, spawn, instigate, provoke, originate, enkindle, beget, fever, zealous, earnest, ardent, passionate, wholehearted, fiery, enthusiastic, keen, avid, glowing, burning, to burn, goodly

H433 אלה ALaH/A93 ALHA alaha/G2316 θεου theou:  Supreme God, Exceedingly Mighty Ruler Of Divine Majesty And Power, Superior And Preeminent To Deliver Victorious, Most High, Highest, Preeminent, Source Of Life, One True God, Greatest, Superior, Character, Attribute, Impressive, God Who revealed Himself in power and enters into covenant relationship with humanity, supernatural provision and power, Holy, Creator, Savior, covenant involves God's care and love for His family, ethical, righteous, Everlasting God Of Eternity, continuity, stability, veneration of God, Supreme Deity, Magistrate, Yehowah Elohim, His Power and Preeminence, Unoriginated Immutable Eternal Self Sustained Existence, Unity, Almighty Highest Most High, Infinite Creator and Savior, Faithful, Mercy, Love, Truth, Word, Ruler and Owner of all, Source of all moral authority, Master Teacher, Redeemer, Everlasting Father, of the thing of which God is Author, things of God, Counsel, things due to God, because He Is As Is, things respecting and pertaining to God, wholly devoted to God and for which alone one lives, resemblance, similitude, at One

Greek with Strong's Numbers:

[και G2532] εβαλεν G906 [ο G3588] αγγελος G32 [το G3588] δρεπανον G1407 [αυτου G846 εις G1519 την G3588] γην G1093 [και G2532 ετρυγησεν G5166 την G3588 αμπελον G288 της G3588] γης G1093 [και G2532] εβαλεν G906 [εις G1519 την G3588] ληνον G3025 [του G3588] θυμου G2372 [του G3588] θεου G2316 [την G3588 μεγαλην G3173] 

[  ]  Greek words not in Aramaic or Hebrew

*G:  no equivalent in Greek translation

** For the Aramaic listed without Hebrew, the Aramaic becomes the Hebrew equivalent.

The New Strong's Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, red letter edition, Hebrew & Greek Dictionary, 2010 edition.  CWP Teacher edition Interlinear Bible.  Aramaic Peshitta New Testament Dictionary Number Lexicon, Vertical Interlinear Vol. III, Word Study Concordance.  Oxford English Dictionary.  Wigram's Concordance of Hebrew O.T. and Greek N.T.  The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon.  Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament.  Wycliffe Bible Complete Text 1450 edition.  Tyndale 1526 edition.  Matthews Bible 1537 edition.  Geneva Bible 1560 edition.  Etheridge NT Peshitta.  Holy Bible:  From The Ancient Eastern Text by George M. Lamsa.  Aramaic Peshitta New Testament Translation - Messianic Version by Janet Magiera.  Blue Letter Bible.  Aramaic English New Testament, 5th edition.  HAGEBS - Hebrew Aramaic Greek English Bible Studies.  iBoS - interpretation Based on Study.  eHAG (English Hebrew Aramaic Greek) Interlinear 4th Revision, transliterations based on iBoS HAGEBS eHAG version.

Studies may be referenced at:  

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