Saturday, July 11, 2015

prayer 7.1.15

i feel grateful for ABa’s Provision, Clarity, Straightforward Dealings With humanity collectively, privately, personally, involving every aspect of our Being.  we are indeed not orphans left to fend for ourselves but Constant In ABa’s Care.  Given Complete Freedom in all our choices to effect and experience everything at will.  no human will nor can allow this kind of Liberty in any system we have witnessed come forth as a whole.  every order has its control, limitation, restriction but ABa’s Will Of LIFE Encompasses all allegiance, devotions, beliefs, even false ones.  Unrestrained LOVE Accommodate, Making Room for every expression possible, even evil, otherwise there is no true Freedom. 

in our limitation, smallness of heart, Reconciliation Of Reality, Truth AS IS Most High absolving evil seems difficult.  ABa Accepts every choice!  those who choose evil have Freedom to do so.  collectively, we suffer because of selfish choices but Wisdom Makes Room for Full Complete expression, apart from this True expression, there is no Real Freedom.  we try to contain, control, confine but none of these methods work for the Reason we are created in Complete Freedom.  ABa Seeing Beginning to End In Faithful Devotion Grants every expression, thus Affording Freedom for all, including opposers of LIFE.

Perfection is ability to manifest all potential of entire spectrum, if this is not possible, it would be arbitrary, which is what humanity is about, power, dominance, jurisdiction, little hitlers running around claiming ownership when nothing belong to us.  so finding out the reason for elimination of hemp in 1937 signed by president roosevelt, a few covetous individuals with huge timber holdings wanted to stifle hemp production is to get rid of competition, hamstring the entire country to become dependent on them who hold vital resources.  dupont, mellon, chemical giants did not want fair competition from something as useful, easy, simple as hemp, they made something inferior called nylon and wanted to sell it to everyone.  our representatives argued but law was passed in favor of wrong instead of right.

we are here today because of selfish choices, follow the mammon, the trail is clear, pointing to insatiable greed, covetousness, error, falsehood, deception.  the more we have, the more we want, the more we seem to need.  the less i have, the less i want, the less i need in Simplicity.  corruption reign our government, every representative that is not for the people, corporations proposing against humanity should be tried by the public.  i feel sorry for monsanto, it’s method, devotion, works resemble wicked forbears but are not succeeding.  devotion to greed, dedication to destruction, commitment in selfishness are broadcast, the people know the impotence of a government sold out.  iceland relegated every criminal banker where they belong, in jail.  it is rightful to feed monsanto its own creations, dupont, mellon, every politician that lied, commit treachery to receive their own institutions.

when all is revealed, disgrace, shame, humiliation, chosen in Freedom is seen, no one forced these choices on people who made them.  pride perhaps overcame each one to make unconscionable decisions against LIFE, humanity, peoples, nations, earth, but nonetheless, it is choice made freely.  every chooser must Face Consequence, Result, End of their making.  i feel grateful for ABa’s Resolution, there can be no running away, only Forgiveness for every one, especially poured out for the most sinful.  how Awful to admit wrong in Face Of Truth Full Of Forgiveness!  i feel it will be 100 times harder than punishment, Grace In Ceaseless Mercy Poured Forth In Unrestrained LOVE Convicting the hardest of hearts.  prayerfully, we will not choose to behave as jonah of old, to curse Repentance, Restoration, Forgiveness, because then, we will behave in spirit of opposition to LIFE.  choose LIFE, not death, choose Forgiveness instead of offense, stand with LIFE GIVER in Welcoming Acceptance of all AMeN.

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