Thursday, July 2, 2015

Revelation 13:13

Revelation 13:13

iBoS:  Humble Messenger to the people, abide to nourish in Devotion the broken, Divine Most High Highest of earth recognize humanity.

Magiera:  And he will do great signs, such as, he will make fire come down from heaven on earth before men.

English Equivalent/Hebrew Transliteration/Aramaic pronunciation/Hebrew Strong’s #/Aramaic LWM # Interlinear:

Humility/Devotion  AiBaD/evad H5652/A1724 
Agreement/Messenger  AWT/atah H226/A206 
humanity/family/people  RaB/raba H7227/A2271 
Abide/Devotion  AY/aikana H335/A61 
Nourish/Settle  NWR/nura H5135/A1494 
Humility/Devotion  AiBaD/evad H5652/A1724 
broken  NaKaTh/nekheth H5181/A1499 
Divine Nature  MaN/men H4480/A1388 
Heaven/Most High  ShaMYM/shemaya H8064/A2543 
Highest  AiL/al H5920/A1804 
humanity/earth  ARaTs/ara H776/A199 
Recognition/Eternal  QaDaM/qedam H6924/A2154 
humanity  baranasha A325 

Hebrew Root Word/Aramaic/Greek/English Expanded Exhaustive Definitions:

H5652- עבד AiBaD/A1724- evad/G4160- ποιησω poieso:  undertaking, arrangement, industrious, conduct, course of action, to work, serve, till, do, servant, worship, labor, execute, keep, cultivate, dress, vassals, diligent, love, serve with gladness, prepare, cover, protect, defend, envelope, shelter, hide, close, take refuge, repair, humility, courtesy, subject, submit, obliged, yielding, willing, work of any kind, daily, familiar, chosen, prefer, approval, keep charge, associate, occupation, diligence, business, work, endeavor, servant, toil, deed, act, doing, labor, field, teacher, task, effect, be engaged and occupied in and with, wrought, minister about, commitment, trade, produce, perform, accomplish, bring about, job, profession, employment, position, post, situation, career, vocation, calling, craft, activity, pursuit, interest, residence, habitation, tenure, living, possession, subject to, rule, control, ownership, appropriation, what one spends time in doing, preoccupation, state or period of occupying or being occupied by something, action of entering or taking control of something, belonging to, affiliation, building, fill or take up, hold, keep, stay and remain, abide with, care about, persistent, tend to, attend, pay close attention, assiduous, application, concentration, effort, dedication, devotion, obligation, duty, tie, allegiance, loyalty, fidelity, vow, promise, oath, pledge, contract, covenant, decision, resolution, intention, intent, aim, plan, purpose, determination, firm, steadfast, perseverance, answer, settle with, conclude

H226- אןת AWT/A206- atah/G4592- σημεια semeia:  come, assent, consent, agree, signal, flag, beacon, monument, evidence, mark, meet, suitable, identifying banner, reminder, show Truth, attestation of validity, speak in conformity to, reveal, make known, clear, indicator, conspicuous, Divine display or act, affirmation, confirm, symbol, Representation, specify, indication, evidence, palpable, trace, convey, notice, publicly displayed in written or symbolic form to give information and instruction, communication, arrangement, named, situated, associated, accord, agreement with, authorization of contents of document by attaching signature, engage to work by signing a contract, fulfillment of covenant, commitment, devotion, dedication, employed, occupation, possession, ownership, rule, governance, regulation, consecrate, set apart, perform, establish, accomplish, Bless, exemplify, consistent, constant, abiding, enduring, register, record, Word, conclude, resolved, determined, bid, approval, belonging to, undertaking, receive, welcome, token, character, state of being, deliberate, definite, comprehensive, point out, manifestation, perceptible, prove, existence, abstract, demonstration, portent, cue, guide, emblem, endorse, support, substantiate, genuine, authenticate, certify, sanction, inscribe, join, union, volunteer, distinguished, vouchsafe, recognition, acknowledgement, injunction, discern, property of, prominent, worthy of respect, resemblance, associate closely with, set at One, prefer, choice, favor, remember, ascertain, verify, connection, couple, mention in the same breath, side by side, empathize with, be in tune with, rapport, close similarity, affinity, allegiance, faithfulness, fidelity, set, equality, same, identical, reputation, recommendation, pattern, stamp, engrave, trait, quality, disposition, temper, makeup, Spirit, integrity, honor, moral strength, rectitude, uprightness, fortitude, will, standing, stature, role, part, answer, corresponding, model, type, target, regard, stay close to, lasting and significant effect, accurate, precise, correct, important, required, annotate, seal, stamp of approval, insignia, hallmark, benchmark, watermark, imprint, attribute, calling card, aim, objective, end, finish, complete, commemorate, herald, Messenger, take heed, consideration, prosper, make good, alert, bright, awake, rightful

H7227- רב RaB/A2271- raba/G3173- μεγα mega:  creation, creatures, acquisition, purchase, wealth, substance, of getting and owning, begetting, bringing forth, goods, riches, with, possession, occupation, property, belonging to someone, to build, erect, set up, establish, procure by purchase, create, to own, owner, possessor, recover, redeemed, attain, teach to keep, sure, verified, bring into being, making purchase agreement with another, earn, resemblance, beam, branch, scion, offspring, generate, generation, to dwell among with, full measure given, subjugate, cause, large, great, elder, big, loud, exceeding, mighty, high, strong, sore, of rank, degree, intensity, force of voice, magnitude, strength, number, abundance, precedence, conspicuous, outpouring, power, increase, greatness, dignity, ascription, acknowledge, recognition, mankind, humanity, countenance, face, human being without reference to gender or nationality, in distinction from God with suggestion of human frailty and imperfection, carnal, of human origin, standard generally accepted among men, not drawn from Scripture, inner self, fellow, complete and mature, full age, brought to its end, finished wanting nothing necessary to completeness when joined to God, verified, created by the Will of God in His likeness to belong with Him in His Family and given dominion of the earth, includes all human individuals, from Aloha as Divine, human life, wont to fight urged on by desire of gain, commiseration, maltreated and defenseless, two fold nature of man, moral condition, conformed to the nature of God, family, household, people, servant, employment, devoted to the service of God, resemblance, similitude, likeness of Aloha

H335- אי AY/A61- aikana/*G:  even as, follow after, remain and stay with, abide with, reside with, belonging with, devotion, dedication, commitment, fidelity, loyalty, like, resemblance, similar, as and in this manner, follows, after, like unto, in the same way, in like manner, even so, likewise, as like, same, same degree, appropriate to, characteristic, nature, such as, example, reference to a person of thing of the same kind, another, having similar qualities, faithful resemblance to the original, likeness, conjunction, agreeable, enjoyable, satisfied, fulfilled, desire, long after, choose, prefer, favor, regard, care for, pleased, representation, small part or quantity intended to show what the whole is like, specimen, portion, study, analogous, record or extract for reuse as a part of something, obedience

H5135-נןר NWR/A1494- nura/G4442- πυρ pur:  to suckle, nurse, teach, instruct, bring up, raise up, cultivate, nurture, nourish and feed, make strong and healthy, shine, glow, kindle, devotion, God will gather and raise as His own, set on fire, keep alive in full flame, obedience, form, ordain, create, conception, purpose, frame, structure, mould, shape, determine, resolve, settle, fashion, make, molding something into desired shape, to pour out, melt, cast, place firmly, steadfast, to anoint, consecrate, set aside for God's use, make clear and known, sustain, support, tend and care for, look after, regard, remember, fire,  to kindle, ignite, glow, refine, burn, shine, emote, fiery, of fire, be on fire, hot, fueled, set in the Presence of God, set on fire, keep alive in full flame, blaze, dynamism, vigor, animation, life, vitality, vibrancy, exuberance, zest, passion, ardor, zeal, spirit, verve, vivacity, enthusiasm, eagerness, gusto, fervor, stimulate, start, stir, excite, awaken, enlighten, shed light, illuminate, clarify, inspire, motivate, rouse, catch light, give understanding, luminosity, brightness, emit, radiate, origin, initiate, supply, provide, tend, care, concern, interest, own, possess, occupy, light, bring forth, give birth to, activate, spark, kindle a fire, flame of fire, lamps of fire, setting itself and others on fire partly by reason of the fiery spirit that governs it and partly by reason of the force and power of possession, discern, distinguish, certain, melding together, fused, burning fuel, fortified, wall of protection

H5652- עבד AiBaD/A1724- evad/G4160- ποιησω poieso:  undertaking, arrangement, industrious, conduct, course of action, to work, serve, till, do, servant, worship, labor, execute, keep, cultivate, dress, vassals, diligent, love, serve with gladness, prepare, cover, protect, defend, envelope, shelter, hide, close, take refuge, repair, humility, courtesy, subject, submit, obliged, yielding, willing, work of any kind, daily, familiar, chosen, prefer, approval, keep charge, associate, occupation, diligence, business, work, endeavor, servant, toil, deed, act, doing, labor, field, teacher, task, effect, be engaged and occupied in and with, wrought, minister about, commitment, trade, produce, perform, accomplish, bring about, job, profession, employment, position, post, situation, career, vocation, calling, craft, activity, pursuit, interest, residence, habitation, tenure, living, possession, subject to, rule, control, ownership, appropriation, what one spends time in doing, preoccupation, state or period of occupying or being occupied by something, action of entering or taking control of something, belonging to, affiliation, building, fill or take up, hold, keep, stay and remain, abide with, care about, persistent, tend to, attend, pay close attention, assiduous, application, concentration, effort, dedication, devotion, obligation, duty, tie, allegiance, loyalty, fidelity, vow, promise, oath, pledge, contract, covenant, decision, resolution, intention, intent, aim, plan, purpose, determination, firm, steadfast, perseverance, answer, settle with, conclude

H5181- נחת NaKaTh/A1499- nekheth/G2597- κατεβη katebe:  to sink, descend, press, lead down, broken, come down, enter, stick fast, settle, bring away, deposit, depose, imposition favorable or unfavorable, resolved, rest, laid down, set, carry out, quiet, peaceful, step down, fall down, leaving a positionally higher place and arriving at a lower one, by, after, against, daily, in, among, as, about, concerning, pertaining, touching, charge, cover, exceedingly, after this manner, by any means beyond measure, to lift, endure, declare, sustain, receive, carry, take up, bear, support as a burden, convey, bear about, carry about, bring forth, reach, be, lead, move, uphold, borne along, impel, drive, Shepherd, Word expressing the Mind of God, bearing and bringing forth fruit, to move together, inspire, stimulate, arouse, awaken, enlighten, illuminate, stir, enkindle, shake, remove, shift, energize, invigorate, revitalize, revive, restore, set in motion, keep in full flame, stir up alive, fire up, flourish anew, blossom, shine forth, recover life again, resurrect, steadfast, abounding, throw down, cast down, concerning, by any means or manner, opposition, distribution, intensity, pertaining, daily after, thrust, lay, arise, pour, send, strike, with force and effort, to smite, buffet, let go, launch, catapult, propel, project, deliver, give, land, direct, shoot, dislodge, unseat, disconcert, unnerve, agitate, discomfit, unsettle, host, hold, have, provide, arrange, organize, deposit, cover, remove, drive, bring down, displace, reject, dismiss, refuse, spread, open, register, record, enter, file, emit, radiate, form, create, shine forth, shed light, lose, discard, mold, fashion, shape, model, sculpt, choose, select, prefer, favor, name, call, nominate, forge, decide, fix, appoint, elect, wish, desire, inclined, fit, place, set down, settle, leave, assign, allocate, attribute, submit, present, tend, offer, express, frame, render, convey, recognize, value, judge, explain, make clear, clarify, save, set aside, consider, come to light, become apparent, appear, emerge, result, follow, derive, originate, cause, stand up, proceed, stream, flow, gush, rain, strong, prevail, dispatch, consign, direct, transmit, communicate, summon, contact, request, order, release

H4480- מן MaN/A1388- men/G1537- εκ ek:  a part of, from, out of, follow, with, among, over, above, because, apportion, accord, denoting origin the point whence motion or action proceeds, from, out of place, time, or cause either direct or remote, of, by, with, beyond, by the means of, exceeding, abundantly above, for, because, by reason of, since, thenceforth, through, of completion, unfolding, opening out, of something tied together or rolled up, utterly, entirely, out and out, denoting completion and perfection, joined, beyond measure, by equality, in equal proportion, of the measure or standard, by consent or agreement, of source, of direction whence, in which lies the idea, from day to day, proceeding from, succession, series, forthwith, instant, attraction, coalesce as it were into one, resolving, settle, of that from which a rule of judging or acting is derived, source of conduct, as to be found in the state of the soul, of the whole of which anything is a part, of that from which anything is obtained, Origin, belongs to, of the supply out of which a thing is taken, given, received, eaten, drunken, etc., close connection, from the interior, emanating from, derived, of the place forth from which one does anything, heart, from the midst of, after, choosing, to be of a number, company, fellowship, community, group, regard, conception, of the direction whence, of the condition or state out of which one comes or is brought forth, alive from being dead, reconciled, dissolution, liberate and free, vindicate, cause, Source, from the Divine nature, name, author

H8064- שמים ShaMYM/A2543- shemaya/G3772- ουρανου ouranou:  aloft, to be lofty, heaven, atmosphere, space, vast expanse, place of exaltation, heights, above, upper regions, the vaulted expanse with all things visible and invisible in it, universe, world, outmost, extreme limits, greatest distance, extreme measure of altitude, acme, zenith, glory, prosperity, better, best, aerial, sidereal, seat of an order of things eternal and consummately perfect, distinct, eternal blessing, dwelling of Most High, all space, sky, high, realm of Aloha's storehouse, vapor, firmament, connected, joined, wheel, whirlwind, breath, dust, powder, whirled, rolling thing, gyrate, circular, spiral, coil, enfold, surround, encompass, elevation, heaven, abode of God, happiness, power, prosperity, eternity, eternal dwelling place of God, ascending above all the heavens, uncreated sphere of God's abode, on high, spiritual, to rise, lifted high above, mount on high, preeminent, prominent, distinct, above, great, imperial, powerful, prevailing, accomplished, established, enduring, everlasting, highest most high, important, chief, divine, deity, of righteousness, certainty, faithfulness, sure, devotion, dedication, conviction, commitment, loyalty, fidelity, distinct, pure, clear, clean, promoted, advance, upgrade, prefer, favor, choice, ennoble, step up, mountain, heights, greatest, grandeur, nobility, loftiness, majesty, sublime, being elevated, lift up, raise, rear, bring up, amount to, level up, augment, increase, adored, cherished, treasured, held and kept dear, near and close beside, continue, endure, lasting, abiding, stay and remain with, move to a higher level and position, set upright, made right, construct and build, bring to the surface from below, save, deliver, reunite, increase amount, level and strength of, promote, champion, support, foster, nourish, back, uphold, bring back from death, establish to stand firm, correspond, uplift, escalate, magnify, boost, assemble, acquire, accumulate, enlist, call up, present, awaken, engender, produce, induce, kindle, arouse, keep alive in full flame, nurture, look after, care for, tend, educate, train, keep, grow, cultivate, fulfill, wrap

H5920- צך AiL/A1804- al/*G:  Highest Most High, aloft, YHWH, above, on high, throughout, ascend on high, be high, mount, raised, arose, exalted, preeminent, prominence, pinnacle, to go up, offer up, movement from lower to higher place, to rise up, overwhelm, overpower, increasing in strength, Record, Truth, presenting offering, Gift, Sacrifice, wholly given, rest, Supreme Exceedingly Mighty Ruler Of Divine Majesty And Power, Superior  To Deliver Victorious, Source Of Life, Character, Attribute, Impressive, YaH Who reveals Self in power and enters into covenant relationship with humanity, supernatural provision and power, Holy, Creator, Savior, covenant of constant care and love for His family, ethical, righteous, continuity, stability, veneration, Supreme Deity, Magistrate, YHWH Elohim, Unoriginated Immutable Eternal Self Sustained Existence, Unity, Almighty Infinite Faithful, Mercy, Love, Truth, Word, Ruler and Owner of all, Source of all moral authority, Master Teacher, Redeemer, Everlasting Father, Author, Counsel, resemblance, similitude, at One, denoting original point whence motion or action proceeds, completion

H776- ארץ ARaTs/A199- ara/G1093- γης ges:  soil, earth, solid, whole, land, ground, country, world, region, present abode of humankind, floor, clay, dirt, turf, territory, humanity, den, burrow, shelter, hideout, domain, dominion, dirty, stain, smear, spoil, dishonor, damage, sully, blacken, dark, taint, blemish, defile, muddy, weak, mutable, fragile, transient

H6924- קדם QaDaM/A2154- qedam/G1799- ενωπιον enopion:  fore, front part, East, Holy One, to project, precede, anticipate, hasten, meet to help, before, confront, prevent, absolutely the front part, antiquity, ancient, afore time, Eternal, everlasting, forward part, in front, former time, precedence, priority in time, Beginnings, First, in the presence of, face, in the sight of, before, in the face of, present, close, near and at hand, available, serviceable, to attend, regard, care, respect, honor, deem, being there, companionship, assurance, approval, favor, preference, equanimity, possession, occupation, employed, ownership, belonging to someone, station, positioned, settled, coupled, union, joined, inspire, impress, teach and learn, mark, recognize, acknowledge

A325- baranasha/G444- ανθρωπους anthropous:  mankind, humanity, countenance, face, human being without reference to gender or nationality, in distinction from God with suggestion of human frailty and imperfection, carnal, of human origin, standard generally accepted among men, not drawn from Scripture, inner self, fellow, complete and mature, full age, brought to its end, finished wanting nothing necessary to completeness when joined to God, verified, created by the Will of God in His likeness to belong with Him in His Family and given dominion of the earth, includes all human individuals, from Aloha as Divine, human life, wont to fight urged on by desire of gain, commiseration, maltreated and defenseless, two fold nature of man, moral condition, conformed to the nature of God, family, household, people, servant, employment, devoted to the service of God, resemblance, similitude, likeness of Aloha

Greek with Strong's Numbers:

[και G2532] ποιει G4160 σημεια G4592 μεγαλα G3173 [ινα G2443 και G2532] πυρ G4442 ποιη G4160 καταβαινειν G2597 εκ G1537 [του G3588] ουρανου G3772 [εις G1519 την G3588] γην G1093 ενωπιον G1799 [των G3588] ανθρωπων G444

[  ]  Greek words not in Aramaic or Hebrew

*G:  no equivalent in Greek translation

** For the Aramaic listed without Hebrew, the Aramaic becomes the Hebrew equivalent.

The New Strong's Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, red letter edition, Hebrew & Greek Dictionary, 2010 edition.  CWP Teacher edition Interlinear Bible.  Aramaic Peshitta New Testament Dictionary Number Lexicon, Vertical Interlinear Vol. III, Word Study Concordance.  Oxford English Dictionary.  Wigram's Concordance of Hebrew O.T. and Greek N.T.  The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon.  Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament.  Wycliffe Bible Complete Text 1450 edition.  Tyndale 1526 edition.  Matthews Bible 1537 edition.  Geneva Bible 1560 edition.  Etheridge NT Peshitta.  Holy Bible:  From The Ancient Eastern Text by George M. Lamsa.  Aramaic Peshitta New Testament Translation - Messianic Version by Janet Magiera.  Blue Letter Bible.  Aramaic English New Testament, 5th edition.  HAGEBS - Hebrew Aramaic Greek English Bible Studies.  iBoS - interpretation based on study.

Studies can be referenced at:  

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