Wednesday, July 22, 2015

prayer 7.13.15

rains passing with storm grazing our island, changing bright sunny days to cover of cloud.  i feel grateful for drenching downpours, grateful for ABa’s Provisions, Protected In ABa’s Safeguard.  day before spent cruising across half the island to kohala, we enjoy beaches, warm ocean waters, sunset on west side.  i feel grateful donald drove, improving, learning with each opportunity, distance covered for this trip is equivalent to driving from boston to new york.  we used to do these jaunts often when living in east coast.  i am glad these are done on the island instead, eliminating dealing with driving on ice and black snow.

we were all tired by end of day, returning home safely in ABa’s Conveyance, Kept in ABa’s Safety Of Assurance.  on the other side are white sandy stretch of beaches with shallow sloping into ocean.  hilo affords rocky beaches mostly, some with smooth stones, some without, some with patches of various sands, cold mountain springs feed coastal areas make for brisk waters dropping quickly into deep ocean.  we enjoy variety offered, different terrains on this mountain in the sea flowing with live lava.  active volcano sprout thermal hot springs, warm ponds, steam vents along eastern side, giving range of environs not possible elsewhere.

lava takes downpours well.  i remember feeling amazed at the amount of water the rocks are able to accommodate yet not wash away!  living in rain forest gives experience during wet season inundated by heavy deluge soaking land yet drains away quickly in porous rock.  we receive about two to three hundred inches of rain yearly, this amount lessening with diminishing trees from land clearing.  some people will come, buy land, strip it of trees, leaving it uninhabited.  instead of native ohia hardwoods, land is replaced with junk trees that sprout and take over.  the ohias are dying by thousands of acres because we are out of Balance.

whales are found dead along coasts of alaska, sharks are on the endangered species list hunted to extinction.  when will humans learn, greed, covetousness, pride do not work for Good.  billions of animals are killed for sport, appetite, LIFE exchanged for mammon and superficial living.  there is no meaning in any of this absurdity that is rampant.  i saw an uncle sleeping in a corner of front street next to health food store, he needs a home.  perhaps instead of fighting, dealing, cheating, we may honestly provide for society in education grounded in Truth, effectual healthcare that is not drug based controlled by big chemical companies for profit, free quality shelter, free energy for every one, free transportation, free education at all levels unforced on people but instead shows advantage of proper, suitable education, free high quality unadulterated foods for all.

when all essentials are taken care of, we may each then explore real potential of why we are here, properly develop our talents, Guided by LIFE GIVER in every interaction in Law Of Being instead of lawlessness, out of control corruption, greed.  Restoration is Coming one Way or another, whether we choose it or not, better that we do and can while we are able.  End of rebellion is Concluding, Owner is Returning to clean up mess we have made in complete insanity.  Forgiveness Is Immediate without delay, the kind that is Unrestrained, Complete, Deep down convicting soul, heart, mind.  to move from rebellion to Agreement in very short span must be painful for the hardened, sclerosed, stiff, inflexible, resistant, unyielding.  ABa’s Renewal Engenders Way Of Being in Gentleness, Kindness, Humility, this is hard for a human steep in pride, selfishness, greed, falsehood.

can you imagine monsanto changing into a Beneficent creature?  it can and may when Truth Approaches to set all things Aright.  When Truth Is Here, there will be no more choice, denying Reality in the Face will be the most ridiculous, painful, stupid thing.  we don’t want to be humiliated, thus is better to choose Rightfulness before Legitimate Authenticity has to be Faced.  no one can run away because it is judgement time.  we will be dealt with according to how we really deserve.  Unrestrained LOVE Forgives all.  i cannot imagine talking with ABa and have every sin pointed out Gently in Humility reaching Core Of Being, Acknowledged, Recognized, Seen Complete, Accepted, Suffered.  how do we Face Fact Of Truth?  how can monsanto and every wicked soul look at themselves and be ok with everything they have committed?  it is all very shameful, dishonor is rampant, humiliation of Humility Confronting us in Truth AS IS will not be comfortable because we are resistant to such Truth.

our comfort, defense, pretense is in lying always.  Honesty is too hard, impossible at times when we seek to hide from Truth.  there will be no more hiding, secrecy, All Truth Will Be Known.  this is painful, humiliating to liars, faithless fearful ones.  how hard indeed is ABa’s Arrival for all of us, thus time is Given, much time in Unrestrained LOVE, for us to see Reality because we resist Truth AS IS.  i feel grateful for ABa’s Gentleness with humanity, hard as flint, cutting, bitter, hateful, rebellious.  we are the destroyer of mankind, LIFE, earth.  ABa allows all expressions in Complete Free Will thus we must Face Reality of our own creation.  we have made nothing Good, Beneficial, Advantageous, only destruction, to think otherwise is insanity.  

there will be no more time for denial when ABa Arrives, it will be utter foolishness, imbecilic lunacy if we stand in Face Of Truth with all Facts Revealed AS IS and say that it is not true.  every one will laugh at our idiotic irrational perversity.  we are already laughing at monsanto and it is not even over, every commitment will be Revealed AS IS, that’s painful when devotion is shameful, disgraceful, ignoble, degrading.  villain Revealed, blemish uncovered complete, yuk!!  gross!!  disgusting!!  monsanto squirming in its own devices, dishonor, debasement, humiliation.  i cannot imagine how hard it must be for the nasties to Face their own mischief.  they are all running away from Truth, but where are you going to hide from Creator?  LIFE is every place, Sees from Beginning to End Complete, Spirit Encompasses every thing, every act is Witnessed, Experienced, Known Intimately, Personally.

ABa is IN us and we are IN ABa, we are ONE in Union With LIFE GIVER.  what can be not known by Truth?  to think we may hide is ridiculous!  where will you go?  the entire universe belongs to ABa ShaMaYM.  when every thing is found out, unveiled AS IS, Truth Will Be Known In Reality without exception, then, there will be no choice but Admittance, Acceptance, Agreement.

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